Sep 24, 2024  
2012-2013 Academic Catalog 
2012-2013 Academic Catalog [Published Catalog]


  • ARIC 306 - Arabic Literature and Film

    Looks at the intersection between literature and film as two modes of representation. Readings of Arabic literary texts, and in class screenings of films.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    Taught in Arabic.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 307 - The Writer and the State

    Explores the nature of the relationship between writers and authority, in allegiance or in opposition.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    Taught in Arabic

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 308 - Colloquial and Folk Literature

    Arabic colloquial and folk literature through the study of various genres.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    Taught in Arabic.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 309 - Selected Themes and Topics in Arabic Literature

    Focuses on one theme in the classical and/or modern period such as love, satire and humor, regional literature, wisdom literature, Sufi literature, tradition and modernity, self and other, alienation and exile. See class schedule for specific theme or topic offered..
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    May be repeated once for credit if content changes
    Taught in Arabic.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 310 - Selected Themes and Topics in Arabic Literature in Translation

    Focuses on one theme or topic in the classical and/or modern period such as political poetry, village and city, literature of place, Arab women writing. See class schedule for specific theme or topic offered.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    May be repeated once for credit if content changes
    Taught in English, with assigned texts in English translation.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 314 - The Arabic Novel

    Study of different trends in the Arabic novel. In-depth reading of major modern Arab novelists.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    Taught in Arabic.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 315 - Arabic Drama

    Study of Arabic drama through readings of major texts.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    Taught in Arabic.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 316 - The Arabic Short Story

    Study of the short story as a genre in modern Arabic literature. In-depth reading of major short story writers.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    Taught in Arabic.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 319 - Islamic Spain and North Africa (711-1492 A.D.)

    This course is an introduction to the political, economic, social, and cultural history of Muslim Spain and North Africa. Its emphasis is on explaining how interactions among different ethnic groups (Arabs, Berbers, and Iberian natives) and different confessional communities (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) created social situations that made the Western Muslim lands unique in Islamic history.
    Same as HIST 319.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 320 - Introduction to Sufism

    An introduction to mysticism in its Islamic context: a survey of the historical development of tasawwuf, the main trends in Sufi thought and practice, the role played by Sufis and Sufi brotherhoods in society and the Sufi contributions to Middle Eastern culture.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 321 - Social and Cultural History of the Middle East, 600-1800 A.D.

    Examination of major trends in social and cultural trends, movements, and institutions in the medieval and early modern Middle East. Includes the interpretation of cultural identity, the transmission of knowledge and culture, the construction of social status, and the integration or marginalization of specific social groups in family, social and state structures.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 322 - Land, Trade and Power: a History of Economic Relations in the Middle East, 600-1800 A.D.

    Examination of the major economic structures in the Middle East prior to the modern period: the consideration of land as a major resource, structures for its management and the competition to control it. The organization of trade and commerce, including the role of merchant communities and their place in society.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 323 - Marriage and the Family in the Medieval and Early Modern Middle East

    Examination of the perspectives and approaches which define marriage, the family, the household and private life in the Middle East; the study of these questions in relation to larger issues such as Islamic law and changing social, political and economic structures, and how these are interlinked with family structure, sexual segregation, definitions of private and public. Sources include travellers’ accounts, legal works, architecture, deeds of pious foundations, and court records.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 324 - Non-Muslim Communities in the Muslim World

    Examination of the history of non-Muslim communities in the Muslim world, with special focus on Egypt. Study of legal status, issues of identity and assimilation, contribution to the cultural life and social life of societies, participation in Mediterranean trade, and interaction and relations between non-Muslim communities and Muslims as well as the non-Muslim world.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 325 - On The Fringes of Society: Marginals in History

    The course will examine the place of marginals both in the sense of those people who are socially marginalized like beggars, people suffering from poverty, insane persons, or people who for any reason are not socially integrated. It may include those who do not have a place in history because they do not make use of the written word, such as peasants or rural communities.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 335 - An Introduction to Islam

    A survey of Islam and its history from the formative period to its manifestations in modern times, with a discussion of sectarian movements such as Kharijism, Shi’ism and Sunnism, various schools of thought in law, theology, philosophy and mysticism, as well as modern interpretations of Islam, especially with regard to political, social and gender issues.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 336 - Studies in Ibn Khaldun

    Examination of Ibn Khaldun’s work, his place in Arab Muslim thought, and his value as a critic of Muslim culture and institutions.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 337 - Shi’i Muslims in History

    This course focuses on the historical roles of Shi’i Muslims from the seventh century to the present. The aim of the course is to familiarize the student with the major Shi’i discourses as they evolved in specific historical contexts. While emphasis will be on the historical development of Twelver Shi’ism, other important groups such as the Ismai’liyya and the Zaydiyya will also receive due consideration.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 343 - Birth of Muslim Community and Rise of the Arab Caliphates

    The rise of Islam and Arab expansion, the classical period of Islamic civilization during its first centuries to the period of Abbasid political disintegration.
    Same as HIST 343.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 344 - Caliphs and Sultans in the Age of Crusades and Mongols

    The later Abbasid caliphate, the rise of Shi’ism and the Fatimids, Sunni consolidation under the Seljuks and Ayyubids, external threats to dar al-Islam; the rise of the Mamluks.
    Same as HIST 344.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 345 - Gunpowder Empires: Ottomans, Safavids and Mughols

    The decline of the Mamluks; the Timurids in Persia; the age of gunpowder: the Safavid, Ottoman, and Moghul empires and their decline.
    Same as HIST 345.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 353 - Muslim Political Thought

    The development of political theory in Muslim civilization. Analysis of leading schools and individuals.
       or consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered in Fall and Spring.
    Source readings in Arabic or in translation.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 354 - Islamic Philosophy

    A survey of the rational and spiritual dimension of the Arab-Islamic civilization as shown in the thought and ideas of major theologians, philosophers, and mystics.
      or    or consent of instructor.
    Same as PHIL 354.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 355 - State and Society in the Middle East, 1699-1914

    The Ottoman Empire and Iran: continuities and transformations. Imperial administration and relations with Europe. Challenges to the premodern order: regional and global economies; social and cultural trends.
    Same as HIST 355.
    When Offered
    Offered once a year.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 356 - State and Society in the Middle East, 1906-present

    Beginning with the Young Turk and Iran’s Constitutional revolutions, this course follows the fate of Middle Eastern societies and states during the twentieth century, with a special focus on colonialism and nationalism; independence movements and decolonization; the Arab-Israeli conflict; society, politics, and culture.
    Same as HIST 356.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 357 - Selected topic in Middle East History

    Focuses on theme or topic in the history of the Middle East. May be repeated for credit when topic changes.
    Same as HIST 357.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 368 - The Art of the Book in the Islamic World

    While focusing on Persian book painting from the Mongols to the Safavids, the course will also briefly consider Arab, Turkish and Mughal arts of the book. In addition to the history of painting it explores matters related to patronage, book production, calligraphy and illumination.
    ARIC 270 or 271.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 369 - Islamic Pottery

    Techniques, styles and dating of Islamic Pottery. Emphasis on traditional stylistic motifs and external influences across the Islamic world from the 6th to the 18th centuries. Work with the AUC shared collection and visits to local museums will enhance the student’s appreciation of the subject.
    ARIC 270 or 271.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 370 - Pre-Islamic Influences on Islamic Art and Architecture

    Near Eastern art forms during 200-634 AD. Byzantium, the Mediterranean, Arabia, Syria, and the Copts, Persia and Central Asia, their legacy.
    ARIC 271.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 371-372 - Islamic Architecture in Egypt and Syria

    Development of architecture and decorative styles in Egypt and Syria from the Arab to the Ottoman conquests, including, in the second semester, the Mamluk period; field trips to Cairo monuments.
    ARIC 271.
    When Offered
    371 offered in fall, 372 offered in spring.
    (3 cr. per semester)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 400 - Independent Study

    In exceptional circumstances, some senior majors may, with department approval, arrange to study beyond the regular course offerings.
    May be repeated for credit if content changes
    Open only to senior majors with a minimum of B average.

    (1-3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 401 - Senior Seminar in Arabic Texts

    A selected theme or topic in classical or modern Arabic texts such as regional literatures of the Arab World, cross-cultural encounters in the Mediterranean, Arabic cultural criticism, avant-garde movements in Arabic literature.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    May be repeated once for credit if content changes
    Taught in Arabic

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 402 - Senior Seminar in Arabic Literature in Translation

    A selected theme or topic in Arabic literature, classical or modern, such as francophone and anglophone Arab writers, Andalusian literature, writers and the nation..
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    May be repeated once for credit if content changes
    Taught in English, with assigned texts in English translation.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 403 - Arabic Literary Criticism

    Arabic critical theory from the classical to the modern period.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    Taught in Arabic.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 404 - Sira, Hadith, and Tafsir

    The growth of the biographical literature on the Prophet and its relation to the literature of Hadith and Qur’anic exegesis.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    Taught in Arabic unless otherwise stated

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 417 - Special Studies in Arabic Texts

    Special readings in Arabic texts for those majors in Arabic Studies who are attending a course taught in English and who must read the assigned texts in Arabic to fulfil the requirements of their specialization.
    May be repeated once for credit if content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 435 - Studies in the Qur’an

    The greatest work in Arabic and its influence on Arabic literature and Islamic institutions, with emphasis on methods of interpretation and their development.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 439 - Islamic Law

    A survey of the origins of Jurisprudence in Islam and its development up to the founding of the four schools. The course covers the main sources of fiqh, Qur’an and Sunna, together with ijma’ and qiyas, and the study of the growth of the Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi’i and Hanbali schools.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 440 - Arabic Historical Literature

    Study of the inception and development of the idea of history in Arabic literature. Examines issues in the transmission of information, historical memory, and the role of historical writing in mediating social, political and religious views.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 445 - Selected Topics in Coptic Studies

    This course allows instructors to offer a topic in Coptic Studies. The topic will be chosen from year to year in coordination with the departments concerned and the dean of the School of HUSS, and according to the individual interests and areas of expertise of the instructors. Topics chosen may include various aspects of Coptic art and history, monasticism, folklore, or other subjects..
    Same as ANTH, EGPT, HIST, SOC 445.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    The course may be taken more than once if the topic changes
    Students in these majors may petition preferably before registration to have the course included in their major requirements.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 451 - Islamic Institutions

    Examination of the principal social, legal, and political institutions in medieval Islam, especially those subsumed under shari’a.
       or    or consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 454 - Modern Movements in Islam

    Trends of thought and activism that developed throughout the Muslim world from the eighteenth century onward and identified themselves as Islamic. This course looks at intellectual roots, affiliations, and differences. It investigates modernity, reform, statehood, and social change as addressed by state and non-state actors, in theory and in practice.
      or    or equivalent background
    Same as HIST 454.
    When Offered
    Offered once a year.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 460 - Selected Topics in Middle Eastern History, 600-1800 AD

    Prerequisite: appropriate course(s) from ARIC 343-345 series or consent of instructor
    Same as HIST 460.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 462 - Selected Topics in the History of the Modern Middle East

      or   , whichever is appropriate or consent of instructor.
    Same as HIST 462.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally
    May be repeated for credit when content changes
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 463 - Selected Topics in the History of Islamic Thought and Institutions

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    Same as HIST 463.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 464 - Islamic Art and Architecture in India and Pakistan

    Religious and secular architecture and decoration of Islam in the Indian subcontinent; discussion of the formative impulses from pre-Islamic traditions of India and Pakistan and Islamic influences from Persia, Afghanistan and Central Asia.
       or consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 465-466 - Islamic Architecture in Turkey, Persia and Central Asia

    First semester: Ghaznavids, Seljuks, and Mongols. Second semester: Timurids, Safavids, and Ottomans
    ARIC 270.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 467 - Islamic Architecture in Spain and North Africa

    Religious and secular architecture and decoration of Islamic Spain and North Africa; discussion of formative impulses from Byzantium and Umayyad Syria.
    ARIC 270.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 477-478 - Islamic Decorative Arts

    Wood carving, ivory, metals, textiles, glass, and carpets of the Islamic world; ornamental elements in common; materials, objects and design.
    ARIC 271.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr. per semester)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 504 - Seminar on a Selected Work or Author in Classical Arabic Literature

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 507 - Seminar on Modern Arabic Literature: Nineteenth Century

    Aspects of Arabic literature in the nineteenth century.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 508 - Seminar on Modern Arabic Literature: Twentieth Century

    Aspects of Arabic literature in the Twentieth century.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate years.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 510-511 - Special Studies in Classical Arabic Literature

    Reading and papers on selected topics; attendance at a course of undergraduate lectures may be required.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    510 offered in fall, 511 offered in spring.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 512-513 - Special Studies in Modern Arabic Literature

    Reading and papers on selected topics; attendance at a course of undergraduate lectures may be required.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    512 offered in fall, 513 offered in spring.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 514 - Bibliography and Manuscript Study

    Techniques of working with Arabic manuscripts and scripts, editing, bibliographical study.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 521-522 - Special Studies in Islamic Thought and Institutions

    Special readings and papers by graduate students who are attending a course of undergraduate lectures.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    521 offered in fall, 522 offered in spring.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 524 - Seminar on Selected Topics in Qur’anic Studies

    Selected topics in Qur’anic Studies: e.g. history of the text or specific theme in the Qur’an (gender issued, relations with others, ethical or legal issues). The course offers an examination of the principal different Muslim and Western approaches and opinions relevant to the chosen topic, illustrated with reference to an appropriate selection of primary sources in translation and in Arabic.
       or consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered annually.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 525 - Seminar on Selected Topics in Sira or Hadith

    Selected topics in Sira and Hadith related to basic issues of the field; e.g. the sources, the methodology of oral transmission and its influence on the assessment of authenticity, critical examination of Muslim and Western approaches to Hadith and the relationship between interpretation of the texts of Hadith and society. The course offers an examination of the principal different Muslim and Western approaches and opinions relevant to the chosen topic, illustrated with relevant selections of primary sources in translation and in Arabic.
       or consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered annually.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 526 - Seminar on Selected Topics in Islamic Law and Legal Theory

    Selected topics in Islamic law; e.g. its history, methodologies, specific Islamic legal or political theories (including international relation, minorities, human rights), administration of criminal justice, court systems, reforms in the modern times, principles of jurisprudence (Usul al Fiqh), the concept of social interests, legal maxims. The course offers, whenever appropriate, comparisons, between the different Muslim and Western approaches to the selected topic, illustrated with reference to the main sources in translation and in Arabic.
       or consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered annually.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 527 - Selected Topics in Islamic Theology, Sufism or Philosophy

    Selected topics focusing on one of the tree important areas of Islamic thought (theology, Sufism or philosophy); e.g. the history and sources of Islamic philosophy, theory of knowledge, ethics, metaphysics, the work of a leading Muslim philosopher or theologian, the relationship between mysticism and Shi’ism, modern developments in Islamic thought and reforms, including new interpretations of theological questions. This course offers an examination of the principal different Muslim and Western approaches and opinions relevant to the chosen topic, illustrated with reference to selections of primary sources in translation and in Arabic.
       or consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered annually.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 528 - Selected Topics in Islamic Studies

    Selected Topics in Islamic Studies.
    Pre-requisite: Consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 529 - World Religions and the Study of Religion

    This course will introduce students to the great world religions other than Islam, and will introduce them to current theories and methods in the academic field of Religious Studies.
    Prerequisite: Enrollment in Islamic Studies MA Program.
    Same as CREL 529.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARIC 530 - Seminar on a Selected Topic in Medieval Arab/Islamic History, 600-1800 A.D.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    Selected topics in Medieval Arab/Islamic history, 600-1800 A.D.

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 542 - Seminar on the Nineteenth-Century Middle East

    Readings, discussion, and research.
    Same as HIST 542.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 543 - Seminar on the Twentieth-Century Middle East

    Readings, discussion, and research.
    Same as HIST 543.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 560 - 561 - Special Studies in Middle Eastern History

    Special readings for graduate students who are also attending a course of undergraduate lectures.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    560 offered in fall, 561 offered in spring.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 572 - Fieldwork in Islamic Architecture

    Archaeological methodology; examination of monuments and sites.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 573 - Seminar on the Architecture of a Selected Period

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 575-576 - Special Studies in Islamic Art and Architecture

    Reading and papers on selected topics by graduate students who also attend a course of undergraduate lectures.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    575 offered in fall, 576 offered in spring.
    May be repeated for credit when content changes.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARIC 580 - Independent Study and Readings

    Guided readings in selected topics in Islamic Art and Architecture, Middle Eastern History, Arabic Literature and Language or Islamic Studies given on an individual basis.
    Prerequisite: consent of unit.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARTV 199 - Selected Topic for Core Curriculum

    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all first-year students as part of the Primary Level Core.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARTV 200 - Analogue and Digital Practices

    This course introduces students to the basic skills in various traditional and contemporary mediums: screen printing, digital photography, digital imaging, video and sound editing. The aim is to offer hands-on basic skills in analogue and digital practices including film, visual arts and graphic design.

    Same as DSGN 200 and FILM 200.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    *Registration in this course is contingent upon consent of the director of the program

    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARTV 201 - Introduction to Drawing

    An introduction to the technical and observational skills of drawing in a variety of mediums. Concepts of line, Value and Composition will be explored in objective, non-objective, still life, and landscape drawing exercises.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 202 - Introduction to Painting

    An introduction to the technical, aesthetic, and historical aspects of painting in a variety of mediums. Formal concepts of composition, pictorial space and color interaction are applied to subjects such as still life, landscape and the figure.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 203 - Introduction to sculpture/Installation

    An introduction to the contemporary practices in Sculpture and installation. Offers a focused practice for students that addresses the origins and history of installation art/sculpture including site-specificity, the context of the gallery/museum, and alternate environments.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 204 - Introduction to Time-Based Media

    Introduces students to the creative practice of video art in a production studio environment, including both concepts and techniques. Classes include workshops on camera, lighting, video effects, and sound recording techniques. Students create individual video projects.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 205 - Introduction to Alternative Practices

    Introduces students to alternative practices in contemporary art with and emphasis on social art and activism. Helps students to build awareness of critical debates in contemporary art practice within the context of social media particularly. Classes include workshops on open source practices, Facebook, Skype, and Twitter.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 213 - Introduction to Visual Cultures

    Introduces students to the study of visual cultures in such arenas as film and video, photography, painting and sculpture, the built environment, advertising and fashion, and social media/internet. Students will learn how to analyze visual materials across media, interpret meanings, and gain experience in applying critical concepts to these understandings.
    Same as DSGN 213 and FILM 213.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 221 - Technical Drawing for Designers

    The focus of this course is to introduce students to the requisite skills of free-hand manual drawing for designers. The course is composed of three primary modules covering the conceptual, technical and media related aspects of free-hand drawing as part of the design process, from first conceptualization and diagramming to drawing from observation through final rendering and representation.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 222 - Architecture: Art or Engineering

    A study of architecture as a way of contrasting the “Arts” and “Engineering” approaches to design. The course addresses issues of form and space generation, function and interior environment, exterior and site, and materials and construction. Famous buildings and styles will be critically analyzed from the perspectives of both the artist and the engineer.
    Same as AENG 222.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall or spring.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARTV 230 - Introduction to Digital Photography

    Introduces photographic practices in a digital environment. Explores camera, tools, techniques and conceptual approaches related to image capture and printing. A digital camera is required.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 250 - Fundamentals of 3-Dimensional Design

    Basic concept and fundamentals of visualization, thinking, and design of simple forms in three dimensions. Presentation, communication and basic design skills using simple three dimensional, modeling exercises in manual formats. Balance between aesthetic and functional design criteria. No previous modeling or digital experience is required.
    Same as AENG 250.
    Four-hour studio period.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARTV 299 - Selected Topic for Core Curriculum

    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARTV 311 - Art Studio I

    A cross-disciplinary introduction to the basics of visual, conceptual and theoretical language as they relate to multiple types of contemporary studio practices. Concepts/ideas are examined through diverse approaches of painting, drawing, sound, installation/sculpture, video, digital media and alternative practices. A combination of lectures, tutorials, critical reports, and studio practice.
      or   .
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARTV 312 - Art Studio II

    A practical examination of visual, conceptual and theoretical language, concepts and ideas. Continuation of Art Studio I.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 314 - Modern and Contemporary Architecture

    An introduction to the historical development of twentieth-century architecture in the western tradition, including its social, technological, and conceptual aspects. Special emphasis is placed upon studying individual architects, buildings, and theoretical writings.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARTV 315 - Art Theory

    An in-depth study of artistic practices after 1945, including new media art, performance, internet and installation art, among the more traditional forms of art production, such as painting, sculpture, and photography. The course will address the ways in which these media have transformed the production, reception, and interpretation of art. This course is structured around certain themes, and is theoretical in orientation.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 316 - Coptic Art and Architecture

    The course offer interdisciplinary undergraduate course to student majoring in either arts or architecture, as the theme of the course covers the study of architectural forms and elements of Coptic churches, construction and roofing systems, as well as portraits, iconography, wall painting, decorative patterns, wood and stone carving.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 370 - Selected Topics in Art

    In-depth examination of specific topics in the studio arts or art history.
    Determined by instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    May be repeated for credit when content is different
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 402 - Independent Study

    Professional internship, independent research, or studio work conducted by either individual students or small groups of students with the aid of faculty members. A detailed plan and schedule of the work must be approved by the Art Program Director prior to registration. No independent study can substitute for course regularly offered in the program.


      or   .
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    May be repeated up to three times if the content changes.
    Open to seniors only, with a minimum B average.

    (1-3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 410 - Contemporary issues in Arab Art

    An examination of contemporary issues in Arab art within its historical-political geographic terrain and its contemporary diaspora communities. We will explore various kinds of visual and built environments including art works, exhibitions, literature and popular culture. Students will develop visual and analytic skills needed to examine contemporary issues in Arab art in relation to the local, regional and global markets and discourse.
    (3 cr.)

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  • ARTV 469 - Senior Project (A)

    An introduction to the essentials of the creativity process. Through practical assignments, students will gain a clear idea of their own artistic vision. Writing and portfolio assignments as well as visits from professional practicing artists will prepare students for the final senior projects (ARTV470) and for subsequent professional life.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall only.
    (3 cr.)

    Check course scheduling information

  • ARTV 470 - Senior Project (B)

    Students will research, develop, and exhibit a final body of work that expresses a thorough conceptual and technical process. Writing, professional practice, and career planning will also be emphasized. This course is the equivalent of a “thesis” or a “capstone” class.
    (3 cr.)

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  • BIOL 102 - Essentials of Environmental Biology

    This course examines basic biology principles as they relate to environmental problems and their solutions. Ecological problems and their underlying current environmental dilemmas will be considered. Depletion and pollution of natural resources and their biological consequences are also studied.
    Prerequisite: non-science majors only
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

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  • BIOL 103 - Introductory Biology

    It covers the general aspects of biology including life manifestations and needs, the cell as a unit of life, its structure and function, dynamics of energy utilization and assembly into tissues and organs, physiological processes, and ecological relations.
    Prerequisite: non-science majors only.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall, spring and summer
    This is a basic biology course for non-science majors. Students taking BIOL 103 may not take BIOL 104

    (3 cr. + 1 cr. lab)

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  • BIOL 104 - The Unity of Life

    Introduction to principles of biology, organic and inorganic molecules, membranes and internal structures of cells, photosynthesis, respiration, DNA structure and function, genetic engineering, and the different tissues and organ systems. Laboratories introduce the student to basic principles of plant and animal structure and function and builds on the principles of inheritance to the structure and function of tissues and organ systems.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall, spring and summer.
    This course is designed for science majors, but can be taken by anyone interested in studying biology in more depth than Biology 103. It may not be taken by students who have taken BIOL 103 for credit

    (3 cr. + 1 cr. lab)

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  • BIOL 105 - Diversity of Life

    Based on the diversity of life: viruses, bacteria, protistans, fungi, plants and animals are studied. The course concentrates on development, structure, and function of plants and animals, population genetics, ecology and the environment, and animal behavior. Laboratories introduce students to systematics, evolution, population dynamics, and modeling of populations of organisms and ecosystems. Some field applications are examined.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    This course is designed for science majors, but can be taken by anyone interested in studying biology in more depth than Biology 103.

    (3 cr. + 1 cr. lab)

    Check course scheduling information


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