Sep 24, 2024  
2012-2013 Academic Catalog 
2012-2013 Academic Catalog [Published Catalog]


  • TESL 510 - Methods of TESOL I

    Survey of learning theories, individual learning styles and strategies as they relate to the teaching and learning processes. Examination and critical analysis of major approaches and methods of teaching foreign languages. The course includes classroom observations and limited practice teaching.
    Same as TAFL 510.
    (3 cr.)

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  • TESL 511 - Methods of TESOL II

    Survey of approaches to the design and implementation of foreign language curricula and teaching materials. This teaching practicum is a capstone course and includes foreign language classroom observations, supervised practice teaching, and materials development, selection, and adaptation.
    (3 cr.)

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  • TESL 520 - Research Methods in Applied Linguistics

    Provides TESOL/TAFL MA candidates with the knowledge and skills to read and understand various types of research in applied linguistics, to have a basic grasp of the issues currently being studied in the field, and be able to critically distinguish between good and poor research. Ability to write in appropriate technical fashion is emphasized.
    Same as TAFL 520.
    (3 cr.)

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  • TESL 521 - English Syntax

    A study of contemporary syntactic theories of generative grammar with particular reference to the choice of formalism, universal grammar and the claims they make about the nature of language, linguistic descriptions and implications for language teaching.
    (3 cr.)

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  • TESL 525 - Language Transfer, Contrastive Analysis, and Error Analysis

    The study of language contact and language transfer phenomena. Contrastive analysis and error analysis within and beyond the sentence level. Models, procedures and theoretical underpinnings. Discourse function and organization. Implications for second/foreign language teaching and learning.
    Same as TAFL 525.
    (3 cr.)

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  • TESL 530 - Supervised Study in TESOL

    Individual research on a specific area of interest to the student in consultation with the instructor.
    Consent of instructor.
    May be taken a second time if content changes.
    (3 cr.)

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  • TESL 540 - Selected Topics in Applied Linguistics

    Special topics and current issues in linguistics and language teaching.
    Same as TAFL 540.
    May be taken more than once if content changes.
    (1, 2, or 3 cr.)

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  • TESL 548 - Corpus Linguistics

    An introduction to the analysis of large collections of computer-readable texts (corpora) using concordance software. Focus on analytic techniques at the levels of morphology, lexicography, grammar, pragmatics and discourse. Pedagogical applications for English for academic purposes and in data-driven learning.
    (3 cr.)

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  • TESL 550 - Language Pragmatics

    Definition of pragmatics. Relation of pragmatics to semantics, syntax and sociolinguistics. Speech act theory. Directness and indirectness. The Cooperative Principle, principles of politeness, Relevance Theory. Cross-linguistic/cultural application. Relevance to language teaching.
    Same as TAFL 550.
    (3 cr.)

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  • TESL 553 - Sociolinguistics

    The effect of social phenomena on linguistic form. Languages, dialects, and speech communities. Multilingual societies, diglossia, code choice. Regional, social, and linguistic variation. Terms of address. Language attitudes. Language and ethnicity. Language maintenance and shift. Language and gender. Language planning and standardization. Sociolinguistic aspects of education.
    Same as TAFL 553.
    (3 cr.)

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  • TESL 570 - Proposal Writing

    A seminar specially designed for thesis track candidates and others who wish to pursue research in TESOL. Students will explore their specific research interests and are expected to share their ideas and constructive criticism with other members of the class. The aim of this course is to guide the student towards the production of a proposal for a possible thesis or future research.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 125 - Acting for Non-Majors

    An introduction to the art and technique of acting for the non-major student, utilizing training games and exercises to present the student with a general overview of the acting process, while also providing experiences and techniques beneficial to basic human communication.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    May not be used for departmental credit by theatre majors or minors.

    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 130 - The World of the Theatre

    An initiation into the world of the theatre with the aim of developing the critical skills of an informed and perceptive audience member through the reading of plays, critical articles, and the attendance of stage performances and film versions of plays.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 199 - Selected Topic for Core Curriculum

    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all first-year students as part of the Primary Level Core.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 203 - The Art of the Theatre

    An introduction to theatre as a collective art form by exploring all of its components and participants: from playwright to actor, from director to designers, from producing team to audience.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 204 - Introduction to Technical Theatre

    An introduction to the theories, techniques, tools, and materials of technical theatre. Technical areas to be covered include organization, architecture, shops, stage equipment, scenery, props, lighting, sound, costumes, technical direction, and stage management.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    Students will be expected to work on one of the technical crews for a major theatre department production concurrently with the course.

    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 225 - Acting I

    A basic course in the fundamentals of acting, designed for majors, minors, and those with some previous experience. In-class exercises and improvisations, combined with rehearsed scenes and monologues from simple realistic texts, will help students gain proficiency in objective/obstacles, creation of a character, basic voice and breath control, and basic body alignment and awareness.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring, and occasionally in the summer.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 226 - Acting in Arabic I

    The art and craft of acting as a systematic process applied to the specific demands of Arabic Drama. Scene work and monologues from modern and contemporary Arabic plays.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall or spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 227 - Acting II

    Students will build upon their knowledge of the acting process through focus upon a more rigorous examination of the development of a character, utilizing challenging scenes from early modern playwrights such as Chekhov, Pinter, Albee and Williams. Additionally, vocal and body work will continue through exploration of standard speech production, kinesthetic and relaxation techniques.
    When Offered
    Offered once a year.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 230 - Play Analysis

    The development of the art of reading a play through detailed examination of its dramatic structure and in-depth analysis of its text. Both Western and Arabic plays will be examined.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall or spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 240 - Production Practicum

    A course for any student who wishes to gain academic credit for significant contribution to departmental theatre productions in one of the following area: a. Scenery, b. Costume, c. Props, d. Lighting, e. Sound; or f. Run Crew. Minimum of 50 hours of practical work are required. Students work under direct supervision of a theatre faculty member. May be repeated twice for credit.
    (1 cr. per production)

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  • THTR 242 - Rehearsal and Performance Practicum

    A course for any student who wishes to gain academic credit for significant contribution to departmental theatre productions in one of the following areas: a. Performance or b. Stage Management. Students work under direct supervision of a theatre faculty member. Registration by permission of the faculty member in charge of the specific activity. May be repeated twice.
    (1 cr. per production)

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  • THTR 299 - Selected Topic for Core Curriculum

    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 324 - Design for the Theatre

    A study of the principles of visual design and their application for the theatre. Play analysis that focuses on visual and spatial design requirements. Includes scenery, costumes, and lighting. Involves drawing, painting, model making, and research into period styles.
    When Offered
    Offered once a year.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 325 - Acting Styles

    An advanced acting class, offering exploration and techniques in varied acting styles, including but not limited to Greek/Roman, Medieval, Restoration, Neo-Classicism, Romantism, Farce, Expressionism and Absurdism. Vocal work will be examined through ensemble patterns, shared speech and period movement. Content of course to be determined by the interests and expertise of the faculty.
    When Offered
    Offered once every other year.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 326 - Acting in Arabic II

    A continuation on a more advanced level of the work started in Acting in Arabic I, applied to a wider range culminating in the presentation of a class term project.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall or spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 327 - Special Topics in Acting

    In-depth examination and implementation of specialized acting and performance skills and techniques. Focus of study to be determined by the special interests and expertise of the faculty.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    May be repeated for credit if content changes
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 328 - Directing I

    The fundamental directorial controls, as well as theoretical and practical training, leading to the production of single scenes.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    May be repeated once for credit as content changes.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 340 - Advanced Theatre Practicum

    Advanced, specialized, and intensive participation in theatre production activities. Assignments made in major supervisory positions in consultation with and under the supervision of a theatre faculty member. Technical production areas of scenery, costumes, props, lighting, sound, or stage management.
      ,   and consent of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered fall and spring.
    Repeatable for credit. No maximum.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 344 - Design Practicum

    A course for students who wish to learn about theatre design through participation in designing a departmental theatre production. Students selected through application and interview process.
    Prerequisites: Selection by application and interview.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    Repeatable for credit.
    Selected students will form a design team that will be responsible for designing scenery, props, costumes, lighting, and sound for a major production.

    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 350 - Survey of Dramatic Literature

    A study of major periods and distinctive styles and genres of drama from the Greeks to pre-Ibsen nineteenth century drama.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate falls.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 351 - History of The Theatre

    A survey of the history of the development of theatre architecture, scenic and costume practices, staging conventions, and acting troupes from the Greeks to the present. The course is taught in a combination of lecture and slide-show presentation.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate springs.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 360 - Playwriting I

    A workshop in which students develop basic technical skills of playwriting through exercises culminating in the production of a working scenario for a short one-act play.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 361 - Playwriting II

    A workshop in which students develop the scenario they have produced in Playwriting I into a short one-act play to be performed as a staged-reading.
    Prerequisite: THTR 360.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 370 - Selected Topics in Theatre

    In-depth examination of specific topics in theatre determined by the special interests and expertise of the faculty.
    Prerequisite: consent of the instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    May be repeated for credit if content changes
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 402 - Independent Study

    In exceptional circumstances, some senior majors may arrange, with departmental approval, to study beyond the regular course offerings.
    Minimum B average required.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    (1-3 cr.)

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  • THTR 428 - Directing II

    Advanced theoretical and practical, production-oriented training in play direction culminating in the presentation of a directorial project.
       and completion of all 200-level requirements.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 460 - Modern and Contemporary Drama

    An exploration of the drama of the modern age and of its most influential movements through the study of mainly European drama in the period from Ibsen to the present.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate falls.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 461 - Dramatic Theory and Criticism

    An exploration of the various and conflicting perceptions of the nature and function of drama through the study of major works of dramatic theory and criticism from the Greeks to the present.
    When Offered
    Offered in alternate springs.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 470 - Senior Seminar

    In-depth examination of advanced topics in theatre determined by the special interests of the faculty.
    Prerequisite: consent of the instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    Designed for senior majors.

    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 490 - Senior Thesis

    Students will develop a major project, combining research and creative work that enables the student to integrate course work from the theatre curriculum with self directed application. Projects will be of a depth of study and creative engagement to warrant a capstone project on a senior level and could include work in the areas of acting, directing, design, playwriting, or dramaturgy. Students will propose projects in the semester before the course is taken and will be subject to faculty approval.
               (or currently enrolled). Some projects will have additional prerequisites. Course should be taken in final semester at AUC.
    (3 cr.)

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  • THTR 495 - Senior Honors Project

    Offered to first or second semester seniors in the department who have distinguished themselves artistically and academically (minimum 3.4 GPA in the major, 3.2 cumulative). A major project, combining research and creative work in the areas of directing, design, performance, playwriting, or dramaturgy.
    Prerequisite: consent of the instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    . Projects will be chosen by students in consultation with a faculty advisor.

    (3 cr.)

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