Sep 26, 2024  
2012-2013 Academic Catalog 
2012-2013 Academic Catalog [Published Catalog]


  • PSYC 327 - Theories of Personality

    The study of the development and dynamics of personality from a variety of theoretical perspectives. The following theoretical viewpoints and theorists are studied: Psychoanalytic (Freud, Jung), Socio-cultural (Adler, Horney, Erikson), Trait (Allport, Cattell, Eysenck), Learning (Skinner, Dollar, Miller, Bandura, Mischel), Sociobiological (Wilson), and Existential-Humanistic (Kelly, Rogers, Maslow, May).
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 330 - Community Psychology

    This course will introduce students to theory and practice in community psychology. The practice of community psychology is directed towards the design and evaluation of strategies to prevent social pathologies such as crime, widespread drug abuse, and domestic violence, and promote community empowerment and healthy group coping strategies. While these strategies are, of course, aimed at promoting mental health in the individual, the idea is to target the social system of which he/she is a part and thus create a psychologically healthy setting for many individuals.
       or permission of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 340 - Participatory Action Research in Community Settings

    This course will introduce students to the appropriate research methodologies when dealing with community organizing and development, particularly the participatory action research approach to community development.
      or consent of the instructor. 
    Same as ANTH/SOC 340.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 342 - Abnormal Psychology

    Different theoretical approaches and empirical studies of causes, symptoms, and treatment of abnormal patterns of behavior. Problems and advantages of creating a classification scheme for abnormal behavior. The major diagnostic categories and review of the more common patterns of abnormal behavior. How such disorders arise from subtle interactions between organic or psychological predispositions.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 380 - Biopsychology

    This course explores the relationship between the nervous system and behavior. Topics include biopsychology as a neuroscience, brain structures and functions, sensory and motor systems, human motivation, cognition, emotion and mental health.
      or   and   and   .
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 400 - Selected Topics in Psychology

    Topics to be chosen according to specific interest, for example: learning theory, conflict and stress, psycholinguistics, ethnopsychology.
    Prerequisite: junior or senior standing, and permission of the instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    May be repeated for credit if content changes.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 401 - Supervised Research in Psychology

    Student will assist with a research project by working under the individual guidance of a Psychology faculty member. Requirements may include library research, data collection, data entry, statistical analysis, qualitative analysis, and assistance in planning or conducting parts of a research project.

      , minimum B average, and permission of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    May be repeated for credit if content changes. May not be taken for more than 6 credits per faculty advisor during the student’s academic path.
    (1-3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 402 - Independent Study

    In exceptional circumstances some seniors and graduating seniors with department approval may arrange for independent study on a chosen topic in Psychology that is not covered in the regular offerings for that academic year. Guided readings, research and frequent consultations held.
    Prerequisites: a minimum B average, consent of the instructor, and approval by the Unit Head and the Department Chair.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    May be repeated for credit if content changes
    (1-3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 403 - History and Systems of Psychology

    Places recent developments in psychology in a broad perspective. Emphasizes how new movements in psychology reflect both psychology’s past and the influence of related fields such as the cognitive and neurosciences.
    Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and 15 hours of psychology, or permission of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 407 - Psychological Anthropology

    Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach to the study of the reciprocal relations of culture and personality; special focus on themes of identity, socialization, and the emergence of self in various cultural settings.
    Prerequisites: 6 hours of anthropology, 6 hours of psychology, and junior or senior standing
    Same as ANTH 407.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 410 - Cultural Psychology

    This course will explore the nature of different psychological systems (or “ethnopsychologies”) that exist throughout the world and the complex relation of these to western psychology.  Topics to be covered include the relationship of culture to human development, personality, psychopathology, and psychotherapy, paying particular attention to the impact of social change and cultural contact.  This course will also address some major issues in applied psychology from a cultural and international perspective.  The successful student will leave this course with an appreciation of the cultural underpinnings of western psychology, an in-depth understanding of the limitations of universalist perspectives, and a new appreciation for cultural and psychological diversity.
       and junior or senior standing.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 412/512 - Psychosocial Issues in Forced Migration

    Explores the psychosocial dimensions of forced migration including ethno-cultural concepts of well-being, sources of stress and coping, the impact of forced migration on child development, psychosocial consequences of torture and sexual victimization, and the interaction of trauma and bereavement. Culturally appropriate mental health assessment, community-based intervention programs, methods of program evaluation, and ethical issues in working with refugee populations will be discussed. This course is required of all students seeking the diploma in Forced Migration and Refugee Studies.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
    Same as MRS 512
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 414 - Child Psychology

    . Child psychology familiarizes students with contemporary theoretical and practical knowledge of child development. The theoretical level involves theories of child development, with a special emphasis on children with special cognitive, emotional and medical needs. The practical level requires students’ involvement in the field by providing them with supervised applied experience in dealing with children with various special needs such as disability, childhood illnesses, and child abuse and neglect.
       or permission of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 420 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    This course provides students with the understanding of the scientific basis and professional practice of industrial/organizational psychology. Topics include personnel selection and placement, training and development, performance appraisal, organizational development, quality of work life, and ergonomics.
      and   .
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 430 - Advanced community psychology: Applied research and service

    This course provides an advanced introduction to theory and practice in community psychology, incorporating hands-on community service as an integral part of the course requirements.  This course will build upon the theories and concepts covered in Psychology 330 (Community Psychology) by covering advanced research and program development strategies, and by introducing special topics of particular importance to Egypt.  For example, internal migration, public policy, refugee integration and the importance of religion and religious-based services to community programs will be covered in this course.  This service-learning course will combine theoretical readings, class discussions, and guest lectures by service providers from the Cairo area with experiential learning in the form of direct community service.
      ,  and permission of instructor.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 440-441 - Practicum in Community Development

    Two semester, nine month field experience in an approved international development agency, local NGO or other professional setting approved by faculty supervisor.  Supervised by a professional and faculty supervisor.
    Same as ANTH/SOC 440-441.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall (440) and spring (441).
    (6 cr.)

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  • PSYC 442 - Clinical Psychology

    This course will cover the history and current state of the field of clinical psychology. Topics that will be covered include clinical assessment, clinical interventions, psychotrauma, and clinical theories. This course is intended for advanced undergraduate students who are considering graduate work or practical work in fields related to clinical psychology.
      ,  and    or permission of instructor.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 500 - Fundamentals of Counseling

    This course is an introduction to culturally sensitive interviewing, listening, and report writing skills required of professional helpers. The course will also cover counseling theories and different schools of thought, combined with an overview of the techniques used by some of the theorists.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 502 - Community Psychology and Systems Theory

    This course examines the core theories, values, and methodologies of community psychology and systems theory.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 503 - International and Multicultural Psychology

    This course is an overview of the mainstream as well as alternative theoretical, methodological, and applied approaches that are relevant to the study and practice of psychology. Specifically, the course will provide students with knowledge, awareness, and skills in international and cultural issues related to the field of psychology.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 504 - Advanced Human Growth and Development

    This course provides an in-depth examination of special topics in human development. Biological, cognitive, social, emotional, personality development through the life span will be examined.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 505 - Ethics and Professional Issues

    This course provides students with a multicultural working knowledge of ethical issues in mental health care practice and will introduce the concept of professional development. Students will discuss and role play ethical and legal dilemmas and solutions
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 506 - Psychopathology and Resilience across Cultures

    This course is an overview of contemporary views on psychopathology and resilience from a multicultural perspective. The course will cover key processes influencing mental health across cultures such as belief systems and communication interaction as well as ways to cultivate resilience.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 508 - Applied Research Design and Statistical Analysis

    This course provides students with the conceptual knowledge and skills needed to understand, evaluate, and conduct multivariate research. The course will also acquaint students with the statistical techniques used to analyze data derived from such research.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 510 - Counseling: Models and Methods

    This course reviews the history, present applications, and future trends in counseling. Students will be introduced to the principles assumptions and approaches associated with major theoretical schools including traditional and post-modern approaches.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 515 - Counseling Assessment: International Perspectives

    This course reviews commonly used methods for assessing and writing reports on dyadic relationships (couples, parent-child), and individuals across diverse cultural settings. These methods can be utilized during the intake, as an integrated component in counseling, or in clinical research.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 520 - Psychology in the Schools

    This course will focus on prevention-oriented community and environmental interventions in school settings. General topics areas addressed are: assessment, consultation, intervention, special education, research, reform movement in education, multiculturalism, and diversity, and the future of education and school psychology.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 525 - Consultation to non-Profit Organizations

    The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in consultation, collaborative problem solving, and systems level intervention in non-profit settings, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 530 - Community Assessment and Program Evaluation

    This course will cover readings explicating concepts in and providing examples of ecological needs assessments and program evaluation.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 535 - Prevention and Intervention in Communities

    The purpose of this course is to provide students with structured readings and explorations of a variety of community and preventive interventions, so as to prepare them to think about, work with, and lead community and preventive interventions in the future.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 540 - Community and Group Interventions

    This course provides an overview of the concepts and applications of group interventions in community and counseling contexts. Principles of group work will be reviewed, including systemic thinking, group dynamics and cohesion, professional tasks and challenges, and stages of group development.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 545 - Seminar in Cross-Cultural Family Studies

    This course will expose students to contemporary issues affecting families in a global context from a systemic/ecological perspective. Issues of diversity and cross-cultural interactions will be integrated throughout the course, with an emphasis on the Arab/Middle Eastern experience.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 550 - Couples Counseling and Human Sexuality

    The course will focus on theories and methods of effective counseling with couples. The course will also cover the influence of socio-cultural factors on couples’ relationships. The human sexuality portion of the course will address issues such as sexual development across life span, sexual attitudes, sexual dysfunction, sexual assault, commercial sex and sex therapy.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 551 - Arabic for Mental Health Professionals

    This course is an overview of basic Arabic phrases that can help mental health professionals in their clinical interventions with Arab-speaking clients.
    (0 cr.)

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  • PSYC 552 - Professional Development Seminar

    This course is an overview of topics that can enhance professional success of graduate students.
    (0 cr.)

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  • PSYC 570 - Special Topics in Psychology

    In-depth examination of a specific topic in psychology of current theoretical, research, or clinical interest. Topics will vary depending on instructor.

    Approval of advisor.
    When Offered
    Offered Occasionally.
    May be repeated for credit if content changes.

    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 575 - Independent Study and Guided Readings

    In exceptional circumstances some students may arrange for independent study on a specific topic in psychology that is not covered in the course offerings for that academic year. Guided readings, research and frequent consultations held.

    Minimum 3.0 GPA, consent of instructor, and approval of graduate advisor.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (1-3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 580 - Practicum I in Counseling Psychology

    Introductory practicum in which students provide direct counseling services with the support of individual and group supervision. This practical training will help students develop their skills in areas including but not limited to: a. counseling assessment and interventions; b. session and case management skills; c. ethical and legal principles, and d. documentation such as record keeping and report writing.

                 and approval of advisor.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 581 - Practicum II in Counseling Psychology

    Advanced practicum in which students provide direct counseling services with the support of individual and group supervision. This practical training will help students develop their skills in areas including but not limited to: a. counseling assessment and interventions; b. session and case management skills; c. ethical and legal principles, and d. and documentation such as record keeping and report writing.

                 and approval of advisor.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 586 - Practicum I in Community Psychology

    Introductory practicum in which students apply community psychology principles and methods in community settings with the support of individual and group supervision. Specialized skills will be gained at various levels of ecological analysis with an emphasis on ethical and professional practices, and may include consultation, prevention, community assessment or intervention, program evaluation, or public policy development.
    Approval of Advisor.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 587 - Practicum II in Community Psychology

    Advanced practicum in which students apply community psychology principles and methods in community settings with the support of individual and group supervision. Specialized skills will be gained at various levels of ecological analysis with an emphasis on ethical and professional practices, and may include consultation, prevention, community assessment or intervention, program evaluation, or public policy development.
    Approval of Advisor.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 589 - Professional Portfolio

    Diploma students will be responsible for completing and presenting a final capstone project under the supervision of a faculty advisor. This project is meant to provide diploma students with additional training in a specialization area such as schools, children, domestic violence, and HIV prevention. The portfolio includes a written paper and may be based on case studies, clinical work, or research.
    Approval of Advisor.
    (1 cr.)

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  • PSYC 590 - Internship in Counseling Psychology

    This course provides students with clinical training and experience in counseling during an academic year-long field internship. Students are placed at NGOs, community agencies, or private or public institutions as interns with an approved external supervisor at the site. In addition, students meet regularly with a psychology faculty member for individual and group supervision.
    Completion of           and  
    (3 cr. + 3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 596 - Internship in Community Psychology

    This course provides students with applied fieldwork experience in community psychology during an academic year-long field internship. Students are placed at NGOs, community agencies, or private or public institutions as interns with an approved external supervisor at the site. In addition, students meet regularly with a psychology faculty member for individual and group supervision.
                 and approval of advisor.
    (3 cr.)

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  • PSYC 599 - Research Guidance and Thesis

    Supervision in the preparation and writing of the Masters thesis. May be repeated for credit.
    Approval of advisor.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 501 - Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics and Control

    Robot mechanisms, End-effector mechanisms, Actuators and drives, Sensors. Robot forward and inverse kinematics. Differential motion and Jacobian (Velocities and forces). Simulation software and analysis. Acceleration and Inertia, Robot dynamics. Trajectory generation and control of robot manipulators. Robot planning and control. Task oriented control, Force compliance control. Robot programming, Robot work cell design and work cycle analysis. Robot vision, Teleoperation and Interactive haptics. Closed-Loop Kinematic chains, Parallel-link robot kinematics. Non-holonomic systems, Legged robots.
    Same as MENG 561.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 502 - Embedded Real Time Systems

    Fundamentals of embedded control system design, embedded processor architecture and operation. General overview of existing families of micro-controllers, DSPs, FPGAs, ASICs. Selected embedded 8/16/32 processor architectures, and programming. Real-time, resources and management, I/O, Virtual memory and memory management. Concurrency, resource sharing and deadlocks. Scheduling theory. Real-time programming and embedded software. Real-time kernels and operating systems. Bus structure and Interfacing. Programming pervasive and ubiquitous embedded system. Designing embedded system. Discretization and implementation of continuous-time control systems. Networked embedded systems and integrated control.
    Same as MENG 562.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 503 - Modern Control Design

    Basic linear system response: Analysis in time domain, stability analysis, Routh-Horwitz stability criteria of LTI. Feedback analysis and design continuous-time systems on the basis of root locus: analysis, design, lead/lag compensators, and Control synthesis in frequency domain: (Bode response, Nyquist stability criteria, sensitivity and design). Control design concepts for linear multivariable systems using state variable techniques. State space representation and transition matrices. Control system design in state space: controllability, pole method and pole placement design, observer/observability and compensators design. Optimal observer based feedback. Lyapunov Stability. The solutions to LQR problem, Kalman filtering problem. LQG and LTR based design methods. Discrete-time systems and computer control.
    Same as MENG 563.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 504 - Applied Estimation

    Introduction to Probability, Probability theory, Bayes theorem, Bayesian Inference. Introduction to estimation. Linear Optimal Filters, Predictors, Smoothers, Nonlinear Filters. Kalman and Information filter, Continuous and Discrete Time Kalman Filter. Extended Kalman filter and implementation, Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). Distributed Kalman filter over network. Particle filter, Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF). Particle filter Fast SLAM. Case Studies.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 521 - Intelligent and Autonomous Robotic Systems

    Autonomous and Mobile robots, Locomotion concepts and mechanisms, Degrees of mobility and steering. Non holonomic concept and constraint. Wheeled mobile robots: Kinematic and dynamic models. Trajectory generation and Control methods. Sensors, sensor models and perception. Mapping and knowledge representations. Control architectures and Navigation: Planning, Subsumption, Potential field, Motor Schemas, Probabilistic, Learning from observations and Reinforcement learning. Relative and absolute localization. Navigation and localization techniques. SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). Multi robotic system: navigation, cooperation and autonomy.
    Same as MENG 564.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 522 - Mechatronics Innovations and Experimental Robotics

    Mechatronics innovations: Concepts and innovative ideas, design and hands-on experimentation. Sensors and intelligent sensor systems. Interfacing techniques. Controllers. Electrical motors: selection and control, encoders, and drivers. Power systems and control: pneumatic, electro-pneumatic, hydraulic and electro-hydraulic. Technologies and techniques associated with industrial and mobile robots. Joint space and operational space control. Velocity saturation, trajectory generation and tracking. Project work supporting design, simulation and experimentation.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 523 - Bioinspired Robotics and Multi Robotic Systems

    Traditional and Biomimetic robots. Bioinspired robot design: actuators, sensors, and material. Bioinspired algorithms for robot control. Social Networks. Multi robotic systems (MRS): concept, homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures. MRS control architecture: MRS planning, Motor schema based MRS, Behavior based MRS. MRS and machine learning. Inter-robot communication and coordination. Auction-based task negotiation for MRS. Autonomy and cooperation. Task definition, decomposition and knowledge representation. Resource management and deadlocks. Collaborative Observation and Localization. Multi-Robot Navigation. Human-Robot Interaction. Biological inspired solutions: Ant colony and social insect behavior, Swarm intelligence and self organization.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 524 - Robotics and Intelligent Automated Manufacturing

    Manufacturing systems: organization, facility layout, performance indicators. Robotics in Manufacturing. AGVs in Manufacturing. Robot work cells. Sensors in Manufacturing. Communication protocols. Agile manufacturing. Models and Metrics. Automation, NC/CNC. Design for Manufacturability. Manufacturing systems design: single cell, assembly line, group technology, cellular and flexible systems. Material transport and storage systems. Analysis of flow lines, assembly systems and line balancing. Quality measurement and reliability. Manufacturing support systems: CAD/CAM/CIM tools and product cycle, process and production planning, shop floor control, inventory control. Modern manufacturing systems: Push/pull systems, pull systems (KANBAN and CONWIP), Just-In-Time, TQM.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 531 - Teleoperation, Haptic Systems and Collaborative Control

    Technical specifications: teleoperation and haptics systems. Haptics: Human, Machine, and Computer haptics, and their interrelation. Haptic systems: sensors, actuators and interfaces. Haptic device modeling and control. Event-based haptics. Rendering of stiff walls and friction, rigid-body and deformable body interaction. Haptic teleoperation. Bilateral teleoperation. Teleoperation and haptic systems architecture control approaches. Force control, impedance control, stiffness control Feed-forward control, Adaptive motion/force control. Performance specifications and stability issues, Stability and Transparency, stability against passive human and environment impedances. Design for time-delayed teleoperation. Robustness issues. Collaborative control and collaborated virtual environment.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 532 - Robust and Optimal Control

    Linear system theory and robust control. System analysis: stability and performance, sensitivity function, integral quadratic constraints, small-gain argument, H2 and H∞ space and performance. NORMs. Robustness and Uncertainty. Robust stability, quadratic stability, and stability margin. Robust performance, controller parameterization, design constraints. Balanced Model Reduction, Modeling uncertainty. Linear fractional transform (LFT). Structured singular values, μ –Analysis, LMI analysis. μ synthesis. H2 optimal control, H∞ control and controller order reduction, H∞ loop shaping. Optimal control theory: optimization of static functions, calculus of variations, optimal linear regulators, dynamic programming.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 533 - Nonlinear and Adaptive Control

    Introduction to the analysis and design of nonlinear control systems. Linearization of nonlinear systems. Phase-plane analysis, Lyapunov stability analysis. Design of stabilizing controllers. Properties of adaptive systems, Adaptive control and real-time parameter estimation, Deterministic self-tuning regulators, model reference control, Adaptive observers, model reference adaptive control, gain scheduling controller modeling. Stability of adaptive control systems.
    Consent of instructor.
    Same as MENG 620.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 534 - Networked Control Systems: Design and Applications

    Introduction to Networked Control Systems, real-time systems, network architecture, wired and wireless network protocols, international standards, NCS in industrial control, NCS in terrestrial transportation systems, Study of different software packages and simulation tools for NCS.
    Same as EENG 556.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 541 - Smart Systems and Computational Intelligence

    Intelligent systems and evolutionary algorithms. Computational methods, intelligent behaviors and algorithms observed in nature and humans. Neural networks: Supervised and unsupervised Neural Networks (NNs), Single and Multi layer feed-forward NNs, Feedback NNs, Hopfield NNs, Associative memories (Kohonen networks), Learning vector quantizer (LVQ) Radial base function (RBF) NNs. Evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms. Fuzzy logic: memberships. reasoning, Fuzzy controllers, Neuro-Fuzzy networks, Fuzzy ARMAP. Swarm Intelligence and Colony optimization. Feature selection. Computational intelligence: imprecise and uncertain knowledge, learning, adaptive behavior and real time problems. Case studies.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 542 - MEMS/NEMS Technology and Devices

    This course will cover basic MEMS/NEMS fabrication technologies, various transduction mechanisms such as piezoelectric, pyroelectric, thermoelectric, thermionic, piezoresistive, etc. In addition, the theory of operation of few sensors will be covered this will include infrared detectors, radiation sensors, rotation and acceleration sensors, flow sensors, pressure and force sensors, and motion sensors. Finally, the course will give insight of different techniques for analyzing experimental data.
      and consent of instructor.
    Same as PHYS 556 and NANO 521.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 543 - Image Analysis and Computer Vision

    Perception and image systems. Pinhole Camera Model. Auto-calibration. Digital image processing fundamentals. Image normalization, gray and binary image processing, RGB and IHS color space representations. Image enhancement: contrast stretching and digital filtering in the spatial and frequency domains. Image restoration. Coding and compression. Image segmentation. Image Convolution / Correlation Matching / De-convolution. Object classification and classifiers. Object recognition and interpretation. Estimating image field and image motion, Optical flow and motion. Stereo vision. Multi-view and motion-based 3-D object reconstruction. Dynamic vision: object tracking, recursive state estimation, autonomous navigation, discrete self-localization. Robotic Control via visual servoing.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 544 - Sensors, Perception and Smart Systems

    Sensors and perception. Physical principles of sensing. Static and dynamic characteristics of sensors. Sensor classifications and selection. Interfacing techniques. Calibration and self-calibration of smart sensors. Sensors and intelligent systems: design trends in the field of smart sensors systems. Sensors for: intelligent and autonomous robots, smart systems, automotive and manufacturing industries, smart structures, and other modern industries and smart products. Sensor integration and data fusion. Sensors in remote control and real time systems. Wireless sensor networks, features, architecture and technology, topology, energy, communication protocols and security, distributed & collaborative signal processing, and applications.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 545 - Advanced Artificial Intelligence

    Problem Solving by Search, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Planning, Quantifying Uncertainty, Probabilistic Reasoning, Learning from Examples, Learning Probabilistic Models, and Reinforcement Learning.

    Same as CSCE 565.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 590 - Graduate Thesis Seminar I

    Seminar on research topics, research methodology and thesis writing. The seminars given by invited speakers include topics on the sustainable development and economic impact of RCSS and relevant technology, Industrial needs and the evolution of RCSS and advanced research.
    Same as ENGR 590.
    (2 cr.)

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  • RCSS 591 - Graduate Thesis Seminar II

    Seminars on research topics given by invited speakers that include ongoing development in the area of RCSS interdisciplinary field. In addition, seminars are given by the enrolled students on their research work.
    Same as ENGR 591.
    (1 cr.)

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  • RCSS 592 - Selected Topics in RCSS

    Topics to be chosen according to specific interests. Maybe taken for credit more than once if content changes.
    Consent of the faculty advisor.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 593 - Capstone Project

    Students are required to attend the library and the writing modules of RCSS 590 and , to undertake an engineering project approved by student’s advisor and the director of the program. A final report of the project should be submitted and orally defended in the presence of a supervisory committee consist of student’s advisor and two faculty members.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RCSS 692 - Advanced Selected Topics in Robotics, Control and Smart Systems (RCSS)

    Advanced topics in the field of Robotics, Control and Smart Systems (RCSS) to be chosen every year according to specific interests and the evolution of knowledge and development trends in RCSS. May be taken for credit more than once if content changes.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 101 - Approaches to Critical Writing

    Develops proficiency in critical expository writing, critical reading and greater fluency in expression. Focuses on the writing process with an emphasis on developing the student’s voice, organizing and developing ideas independently within the context of academic writing. Introduces library research and use of sources.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall, spring and summer.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 102 - Effective Argument

    Develops the skills to produce effective argument with a focus on organization, content, analysis of readings, critical thinking. Provides training in the use and integration of sources, library and online research.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall, spring and summer.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 199 - Selected Topics

    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all first year students irrespective of major.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 201 - Research Writing

    Develops the skills to produce extended forms of academic essays and research papers with a focus on the methods of research, process of research paper writing, integration and evaluation of sources and critical analysis.
       or its equivalent.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall, spring and summer.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 225 - Public Speaking

    Public Speaking is a course designed to provide both a practical introduction to the fundamental principles of speaking in public and a forum for practicing public speaking skills. Through a variety of instructional strategies - discussion, class workshops, readings, lectures, and presentations- students learn the processes by which effective speeches are conceived, prepared, and delivered.
       or its equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 299 - Selected Topics

    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students irrespective of major.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 310 - Effective Rhetoric: Discourse and Power

    This course guides students through key texts in rhetorical theory to give them not only a foundational knowledge of major questions, concepts and debates in the field but also to provide them with the language and tools to critically analyze a variety of texts, whether these texts be visual, oral, or written. Students will reflect on, through various writing assignments, the intellectual, social, and political contributions of rhetoric to the study of human communication.
      or its equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 320 - Business Communication

    This course focuses on the methods of persuasion that business professionals and administrators of organizations use to shape messages for professional and public audiences. Rhetorical analyses of various workplace document genres are followed by application of knowledge and skills to produce effective and appropriate business messages. Students will conduct research on topics of interest to the business community, and present findings in the form of proposals, formal reports, and oral presentations.
       or equivalent; junior standing or instructor approval.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall, spring and summer.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 321 - Technical Communication

    This course develops the knowledge and skills to produce technical documents that meet professional and ethical standards required by technical fields and professions. It focuses on both the rhetorical and workplace problems that are addressed by writers, such as audience, exigency and purpose, and workplace constraints. Throughout the course, students will analyze and discuss recent areas of concern in the field technical communication, as well as produce documents in various technical genres, including proposals and formal reports.
      or equivalent; junior standing or instructor approval; science and engineering majors or instructor approval.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall, spring and occasionally in summer.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 322 - Writing in the Social Sciences

    This course focuses on writing in the student’s discipline. Particular attention is paid to the conventions of professional writing and citation, as well as a variety of approaches to delivering discipline-specific information to diverse audiences. Also included are advanced research, public writing and public presentations.
      or equivalent; consent of instructor, consent of Chair/Associate Chair, junior or senior standing.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 323 - Changing Words, Changing Worlds

    Changing Words, Changing Worlds engages students with contemporary discourse within the humanities. It takes as its point of departure a seminal work that frames our understanding and concepts within the humanities relating how this key text acts as a trajectory creating a paradigm shift and permeating into other fields, such as Marx’s Manifesto of the Communist Party. By analyzing the interplay between language and ideas, students will be able to relate to how discourse within one area of the humanities is infiltrated becoming a reference point for other fields.
      or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 325 - The Rhetoric of Argument in the Humanities and Social Sciences

    This course engages students in the study of argumentation, its theory and practice.  Students will employ instruments for identifying differences of opinion, analyzing and evaluating explicit and implicit standpoints of argument, and presenting arguments in oral and written discourse. 
       or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 330 - Writing and Cognition

    This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the phenomenon of writing by examining the cultural values embedded in writing and the cognitive claims about the relationship between thought and language, and by surveying the ways written expression has been used as a tool for reconstructing perception, memory, self and society. These issues will be approached through reading and writing together, and through experimenting with assumptions and hypotheses about what happens when people write. Class readings come from history, philosophy, cognitive psychology, composition studies, and literature.
       or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 332 - Presentation and Persuasion in Business

    This course acquaints students with both the presentation and interpersonal communication skills required in business-related, professional situations.  It addresses both the composition and the delivery of professional speeches, such as sales presentations, convention addresses, job bids, as well as the interpersonal skills necessary for the successful conduct of business discourse, in particular negotiation contexts.
       or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 334 - Digital Rhetoric

    This is a course in the rhetorical analysis of the relatively new but increasingly important genres that comprise the various practices of E-Writing, including: blogging, wiki-development, networked writing, hypertext, social networking and other manifestations of the digital age.  Students will study and work with various digital environments with attention to their evolving possibilities and constraints.
      or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 340 - Life Narratives: Reading as Writers

    This reading-intensive course will introduce students to the field of autobiographical and biographical literature known as life writing.  Students will analyze writing strategies in classic and contemporary memoirs, confessions, letters, diaries, and visual portraits as well as autobiographies and biographies, through key themes of self, identity, secrets, truth, inheritance and ethics.
       or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 341 - Travel Writing

    In this course, students will become familiar with the genre of travel writing, and the history, politics and economics of place and how these influence culture. Through various reading, writing, and travel experiences, students will gain an understanding of themselves vis-à-vis the other and develop an appreciation of how travel can transform the self. They will learn how to respond critically to travel narratives, identify credible sources to inform their writing, make original observations, and modify perspective to compose alternative texts.
       or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 342 - Writing Children’s Literature

    Students in this course will assess and write works of fiction and nonfiction addressing children through different media (picture books, plays, short stories, novellas). Students will explore who writes and illustrates for children and why, and the language used to address children during different stages. They will engage in projects to entertain children, while providing indirect instruction, and produce written works for organizations that serve the needs of children.
      or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 345 - The Writer’s Workshop

    This course focuses on the writing and critique of personal narratives, reflecting upon students’ places as individuals within the larger contexts of family, country, and/or region. They will learn fundamentals of narrative life writing, understand the crafts of writing and revising, and consider their life stories in the wider context of cultural theory. Students will learn and practice advanced discussion techniques in workshop, when narratives are critiqued by instructor and peers.
      or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 380 - Poetry Writing

    As a workshop with a significant critical component, this course focuses on developing students’ mastery of language through the writing of poetry. That writing is grounded with an examination of poetry’s rhetorical and cultural impact. Students in this course will write a series of poems in response to weekly assignments, analyze the work of poets from both the West and the Middle East, and complete a final portfolio that shows significant revision and careful analytical thinking about the poems themselves as well as their place within the genre.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 399 - Selected Topics

    Course addresses broad intellectual concerns, and is accessible to all students irrespective of major.
       or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 400 - Writing and Editing for Publication

    This course develops the skills to produce effective articles and presentations with a focus on journal submission requirements, journal review and publication processes. Provides training in the integration of information technology for presentations, and in primary and secondary research methods.
      or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 410 - Grant Writing for Community Building

    Grant writing skills may be used for fundraising, applying for scholarships and fellowships, starting new businesses, securing research and conference grants, and acquiring funding for the cultural, non-profit and non-governmental sectors. This course develops the skills of effective fund-seeking and proposal writing through a step by step service-learning activity, where students learn how to access donor funds to meet the needs of local non-profit organizations.
      or equivalent.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 450 - Imagining the Book

    Students in this course will complete a substantial portion of a long writing project while analyzing and modeling approaches to manuscripts. Each student will design and generate a different project, so projects may span across genres(i.e., a group of personal narratives or short stories, a novel, a book of poetry, a collection of critical and/or academic essays, etc.). Students will engage in the process of writing a manuscript through utilizing genre analysis and class workshops. Students in a number of writing contexts and disciplines, as well as Rhetoric and Writing Minors, are encouraged to take this capstone course.
    At least one 300-level RHET course and/or instructor permission solicited through a project proposal.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 460 - Independent Study

    In exceptional circumstances, students, in consultation with a faculty member and with approval of the Chair/Associate Chair, may design or take a course that is not regularly offered.  In such a case, the student, in consultation with the instructor, will propose a course of study and work will culminate in one of the following: a scholarly research paper on some aspect of the history, theory, or application of rhetoric and composition; a practical application of writing, such as a grant or report submitted to an outside agency; a body of work that is normally expected in a listed course not being offered during the current term.
    Pre-requisites: Consent of Instructor, Consent of Chair/Associate Chair, Junior or Senior Standing.
    (1-3 cr.)

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  • RHET 480 - Research and Writing Internship

    This capstone course immerses students into an applied, real-world writing experience that helps them transition from academic writing to work-place writing, as well as provides in-class guidance and reflection.   Students select one of three tracks of internship experience – professional business writing, literary writing and publishing, or technical writing for non-profits. 
       or equivalent; B in 300 or 400-level RHET course.
    (3 cr.)

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  • RHET 490 - Advanced Scientific and Technical Writing

    This course develops advanced scientific and technical communication skills for both academic and practical environments. It features the IMRAD method of report writing, oral and visual presentation skills for senior projects, literature reviews for scientists and engineers, technical reports for the workplace, and technical documents that represent organizations to the public.
       or equivalent. Engineering and Science Majors only; junior or senior standing. 
    (3 cr.)

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  • SCI 105 - Science and Technology of Ancient Egypt

    Development of civilization in ancient Egypt. Primitive time reckoning and measurement. Building materials. Outline of the different chemical arts and crafts which developed in Egypt as interpreted from mural paintings and works of art. Mummification. Aspects of mathematics and medicine in ancient Egypt.
    Prerequisite: Not for credit for Science, Engineering and Computer Science students.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • SCI 109 - Exploration of the Universe

    An introduction to historical and conceptual developments in astronomy. Stars and galaxies: the sun as a case history in stellar evolution; the formation of elements in the stars. A survey of the sky with particular attention to the solar system: the members of the solar system as physical bodies with specific structures and as entities whose motion characteristics can be understood and predicted.
    Prerequisite: Not for credit for Science, Engineering and Computer Science students.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • SCI 120 - Scientific Thinking

    The course emphasizes the unifying aspects of the scientific approach to the study of nature and human behavior. About one-third of the course is devoted to scientific inquiry and investigation. The course focuses on fact identification and concept formation and testing. In the remaining parts, the students are exposed to applications of the approach in various disciplines. The course sets some basic concepts and theories of science into broad historical, philosophical, and cultural context and traces the development of these theories to their present status. This serves the double purpose of acquainting students with the appropriate setting in which a given idea gained relevance and exposing them to the evolution toward the current methods of investigation. Moral and ethical issues in science are examined.
    When Offered
    Offered in the fall and spring.
    (3 cr.)

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  • SCI 150L - General Science Laboratory

    Introduction to experimental techniques of measurement in the general fields of physics, chemistry, and other sciences.
       or concurrently and not for credit for Science, Engineering and Computer Science students.
    One three-hour lab period.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall, spring, and occasionally in winter and summer
    (1 cr.)

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  • SCI 199 - Selected Topic for Core Curriculum

    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major.
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    (3 cr.)

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