Feb 12, 2025  
Extended & Executive Education Catalog 
Extended & Executive Education Catalog [Published Catalog]

Advanced Management Program

Program Overview

In times of emergent digitalization, characterized by constant shifts in customer behavior and unforeseen events with global impact, the way companies compete is changing in every industry, and the future looks like anything but “business as usual.”

The quest for sustainable advantages will predominantly rely on constructing innovative business models, nurturing an enabling culture, laying out sound financial strategies, and promoting effective leadership. Such challenges and mandates warrant the increasing demand for business leaders who are agile and resilient. Senior leadership must be able to develop a pertinent vision, communicate it and motivate others, while making advances in strategy and leadership.

The School of Business offers the Advanced Management Program for directors and senior managers to enable a shift in leadership perspective and a reevaluation of strategies to unlock business growth. Participants will become more tuned into the dynamics of their relevant business environment and will acquire the ability and agility to seize upon fleeting opportunities inside and outside their organizations. The program employs a mix of learning methods, weaving together real world practice with experiential learning sessions, peer learning, personal assessments, and individual and group coaching.

This program is an attendance program consisting of 36 hours, conducted over four weeks.

Program Outline

1. Business Model Innovation in the Digital Age (12 hours)

Participants will explore the concept and practice of business model innovation, its defining elements, and a “Navigator Chart” that will allow them to audit their existing model and define a new destination with a tested successful method.

2. Innovation Culture (4.5 hours)

Participants will learn how to use the MIT six building blocks of innovation to build a culture of enablement that allows the effective implementation of winning business models.

3. Reverse Financials (9 hours)

Participants will examine various techniques for optimal investment and financial decisions, enabling the prioritized business strategy, including financing and capital structure.

4. Leadership from the Inside Out (9 hours)

Participants will develop a clear understanding of authentic leadership and how to create better results through collaboration and empowerment. They will also experience a process of vertical learning to enhance self-awareness.

5. Guest Speaker - Contemporary Business issues (1.5 hours)

High-profile guest speakers will be invited to explore selected contemporary issues and connect with participants for discussions on current business challenges.

Coaching and Follow-up


  • Prior to the start of the program, participants will complete a one hour online Clifton Strengths talent assessment, which covers 34 themes that represent each participant’s talent DNA. The themes help explain the ways participants most naturally think, feel and behave. Results, interpretations, and reflections will be discussed in class.

Post program

  • A one-hour online coaching session will be provided for each participant within one month from program end date.
  • Participants will be invited to annual alumni meetings with sessions covering trending topics.