The Multimedia Journalism (MMJ) major involves the convergence of print broadcast and online into a single journalism stream that exposes students to, and provides them with the basic skills for operating on all journalistic platforms. It also provides them with an intensive grounding in the basic reporting, writing, editing and technical skills, which are relevant to all journalistic media. Woven throughout the curriculum is a strong focus on ethics and social responsibility, as well as on the important role journalism plays in a vibrant society. Consistent with the mission of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, our programs encompass a number of interdisciplinary courses.
A MMJ major provides students with rigorous academic and professional training. The goal of this major is to produce well rounded students who are knowledgeable about contemporary media theories and research issues, developed excellent writing and communication skills, gained production and presentation skills, and become critical thinkers and writers.
Before declaring a MMJ major, students must complete 24 credits of university coursework, complete RHET 201 with a grade B or better, and pass the basic writing skills test.
MMJ majors are not permitted to have a major in CMA or IMC. Students must complete a minimum of 120 credits for the Bachelor of Arts degree in MMJ, of which no more than 40 credits can be in MMJ and another 65 of their total credit hours must be in liberal Arts or Science.
Core Curriculum (39 credits)