CONE 027 - Tendering Procedures and Tendering Strategies

Description/Outline This course discusses the different phases of tendering and the relevant regulations followed by the International Lending Agencies (ILAS, e.g. the World Bank and other regional development banks). A comparison of the local procedures prescribed by the Egyptian Law No. 9 is also discussed.

Course Outline

  • Invitation to Prequalification
  • Prequalification Documents, Analysis, and Evaluation
  • Short List Selection: Tender Documents
  • Submission of Tenders and Opening Session
  • Different methods of evaluation of tenders applied by ILAS:* Technical and price considerations* Quality-based selection (FIDIC/IBD/ASDB/CDB/IBRD)* Two-envelope system with small weight on price (IBRD/EBRD)* Two-envelope system with major or total weight on price (AFDB/CEC/UNDP)* Egyptian Law No. 9 and modifications thereof proposed by ESCONE (Egyptian Society of Consulting Engineers)
  • Award of Contract and Follow-ups
  • Case studies

Continuing Education Unit: 2 CEU
Prerequisites & Notes

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