Biology |
Biotechnology |
BIOT 601/6930 - Current Topics in Biotechnology (3 cr.)
This course provides a comprehensive and thorough understanding of recent trends in biotechnology research and development. Frontier areas in biotechnological applications as bioremediation, genetically modified organisms, molecular medicine and nano-biotechnology will be addressed.
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Business Administration |
Business School |
Center For Arabic Studies Abroad |
Chemistry |
CHEM 206/2006 - Analytical Chemistry I (2 cr.)
Prerequisites and to be taken concurrently with
Description Ionic equilibria: solubility, activity and ionic strength. Gravimetry: nucleation and crystal growth, methodology, colloids. Acid-base, complexation, oxidation-reduction and precipitation equilibria and titrations. Introduction to separations in analytical chemistry.
When Offered Offered in spring.
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CHEM 216L/2016 - Volumetric and Gravimetric Analysis (2 cr)
Prerequisites and concurrent with
Description Acid-base, oxidation-reduction, complexometric and precipitation titrations; gravimetric analysis; potentiometric titrations.
Hours Two three-hour periods. When Offered Offered in spring.
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CHEM 000/3005 - Principles of Chemical Modeling (3 cr.)
Prerequisites CHEM 3003 and CSCE 1001 .
Description Introduction to computational chemistry techniques and their applications to chemical and biochemical areas; Principles of Density Functional Theory; Thermochemistry modeling in Chemistry; Generating and Analyzing a Molecular Dynamics Trajectory; Mass transport in material science; Basics of Monte Carlo Sampling Techniques; Binding Energies in Biochemistry; Combined QM/MM Simulation; Enzyme Reaction Mechanism.
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CHEM 000/4524 - Polymer Chemistry and Technology (3 cr.)
Prerequisites (CHEM 3003 and CHEM 3522 ) or equivalent
Description Mechanisms and kinetics of polymerization reactions of monomers; principles, limitations and advantages of various methods for molecular weight characterization; structure - physical properties relationship; specific catalysis for the control of polymeric stereo-specificity and morphology; polymer production and processing techniques
When Offered Offered in Fall
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