Accounting |
ACCT 202/2002 - Managerial Accounting (3 cr.)
Description Introduction to management accounting in terms of modern cost accounting and budgetary systems. The course emphasizes management uses of accounting information in the planning and controlling of business operations in the manufacturing and services sectors.
When Offered Offered in fall and spring. Notes Enrollment in is limited, and priority is given to students seeking the Bachelor of Business Administration degree or the Bachelor of Accounting degree, students enrolling in specified as collateral requirements in other majors, and students who have declared business administration as a minor.
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ACCT 305/3005 - Auditing (3 cr.)
Description The course introduces the basics of assurance and attestation services and the role of auditing in enhancing the credibility of financial statements. Topics covered will include factors affecting the auditing profession, auditor’s characteristics, types of audit evidence, the audit process and the auditor’s report.
When Offered Offered in fall and spring. Notes Enrollment in is limited, and priority is given to students seeking the Bachelor of Business Administration degree or the Bachelor of Accounting degree, students enrolling in specified as collateral requirements in other majors, and students who have declared business administration as a minor.
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ACCT 306/3006 - Principles of Taxation (3 cr.)
Description The main objective of this course is to present an in-depth analysis of how tax laws and regulations affect a business enterprise. The course introduces theoretical tax concepts that support the understanding of taxation in general and the Egyptian tax system in particular. Tax implications on both individuals and businesses are examined.
When Offered Offered in fall and spring. Notes Enrollment in is limited, and priority is given to students seeking the Bachelor of Business Administration degree or the Bachelor of Accounting degree, students enrolling in specified as collateral requirements in other majors, and students who have declared business administration as a minor.
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American Studies |
Anthropology |
ANTH 000/4085 - Discourse Analysis: Working with language in use (3 cr.)
Description Many researchers work with textual material in the form of interview transcripts, ethnographic field notes and other types of semiotic material like archives, social media, newspapers, film and images. Yet a persistent challenge for young scholars is establishing a systematic and well evidenced approach to analyzing their research material.
Discourse analysis is a broad approach to language in use. It helps us to to unravel the form and functions of particular discursive constructions to chart their implication in particular social contexts. Importantly DA provides a step by step process to analysis and encourages researchers to think carefully about their material, how it can be analyzed in a well evidenced manner and how to be transparent about your claims.
Textual material cannot be understood as unproblematic representation of behavior, social relations and cognition. Discourse analysis approaches problematise texts, suggesting that they may have performative or rhetorical functions like mitigating blame, justifying or reflecting power relations, creating consensus, regimes of truth and so on.
In this course we will read about the various ways in which textual material can be analyzed and we will invest considerable time in the practice of conducting discourse analysis. We will cover five main approaches to discourse analysis:
- Working with interviews and transcripts
- Foucauldian discourse analysis
- Critical discourse analysis
- Multi-sensory multimodal and social semiotics
- Doing Discourse Analysis
When Offered According to program needs
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Applied Linguistics |
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