Feb 10, 2025  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [Published Catalog]

Graduate Admissions

Click on any of the following links for information:

Graduate Admissions
Non-degree Admissions
Other Admissions


Graduate Admissions


Graduate applicants must complete the Graduate Admission application by the set deadlines, including all required documents/credentials. A file for each applicant is prepared, and evaluated by the Office of Graduate Admissions to ensure that the applicants have met the minimum requirements as indicated by the university catalog. The file is then evaluated by the relevant program for recommendation. The relevant school dean then reviews the file and the program recommendation, and sends his/her recommendation to the Dean of Graduate Studies for review and final recommendation. The Office of Graduate Admissions finalizes the admission evaluation, and ​​admission decisions are then announced based on the four stages of evaluation. If accepted, then letters of admission are sent out to the applicants indicating the conditions of the admission offer. Additionally, information regarding advising, registration, tuition payment, contact persons, and next steps in general are also provided.

A student may not seek new admission to the same program from which he/she has been dismissed for the expiration of study period.

Criteria for Admission of Graduate Students

The university requires the following minimum standards in admitting graduate students. Actual admissions for a given program may be at a higher level as specified by this program.

Qualifications for graduate programs

Applicants for graduate study must have an accredited Bachelor’s degree with an academic record at a level sufficient to qualify for full or provisional admission as described under “Categories of Admission” below. For consistency, the final grades for all transcripts submitted will be calculated to a final GPA mark on a scale of 1 to 4, where 4 is the highest grade. Transcripts showing only a rank grade (such as gayyed gidan), without indication of  a GPA or percent value will be calculated as follows:

Emteyaz = Excellent =3.75 GPA
Gayyed Gidan =Very Good =3.25 GPA
Gayyid = Good = 2.75 GPA
Makboul = Pass = 2.25 GPA

However, when transcripts show grade rank value (such as gayyed gidan), as well as GPA or percent value, then the GPA or percent value will be calculated to a GPA value on a scale of 1-4, and will take priority over the rank value.

Additional criteria such as the following may also be considered when evaluating a candidate for admission to the graduate program:

  1. Evidence of academic English proficiency as required by the relevant graduate program.
  2. Test scores (GRE, GMAT, etc. where applicable).
  3. Maturing time since undergraduate experience.
  4. Work experience in a field related to the program applied for.
  5. Strong faculty advocacy with written intent to mentor the student.
  6. References from instructor and/or employer speaking to motivation and maturity.
  7. Personal interview.
  8. Departmental Arabic language test for specific programs.
  9. Any post high-school academic records showing evidence of being prepared for graduate level courses.

Qualifications for Ph.D. Degree programs

Applicants must have completed both an accredited Bachelor of Science degree and Master’s degree with an academic record at a level sufficient to qualify for admissions. In additional to the criteria mentioned above for MA and MS degrees the following is also considered when evaluating a candidate for admission to the PhD program:

  1. Academic performance showing evidence they are prepared for PhD level courses.
  2. GRE test scores that suggest potential.
  3. Thesis abstract.
  4. Research interest and objectives.
  5. Evidence of academic English proficiency prior to enrollment.

English Language Proficiency

Applicants must demonstrate knowledge of adequate English language for graduate studies. For full admission to the university, graduate applicants must attain the required score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (International TOEFL, iBT), or on the International English Language Testing System (Academic IELTS) examination, or on the academic Cambridge Assessment English test. (only Advanced or Proficiency exams are accepted).

Exemptions from these English language examinations is allowed if all the following conditions are met:
1. The applicant is currently enrolled or recently enrolled (within a maximum of 2 years prior to the intended start semester at AUC) or graduated from an accredited university where English is the sole language of instruction for its programs, and the program of study is an academic one and was, instructed solely in English.

Enrollment refers to one continuous year of full course load (a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester for graduate studies or 12 credit hours per semester of undergraduate studies, or their equivalent). English language courses are not included in this count.
2.The mode of study  was full time attendance. 

3.The accredited university is in a country where English is an official language.

ln the absence of the condition that English  is an official language of the country, exemption from the required English language examinations applies, conditional to both the following points:

a. If the University is classified in the World Higher Education Database (WHED) or in the International Handbook of Universities as an institution where English is the “sole” language of instruction.

b. If the English language requirements of the home university are no less that those required at AUC for a full admission status. In this case, the applicant must submit an official confirmation from the home university’s registrar, with reference to test details and results, that the applicant has met the home university English language placement requirements for admission.

There can be no waiver for the required English language examination if:

  • It is a mandatory requirement for fellowship eligibility at AUC.
  • The accredited degrees earned were completed under an affiliation or joint program, where such degrees are earned from an accredited institute where English is the sole language of instruction, but full time attendance was at another accredited institute that is in a country where English is not an official language. In case this other accredited institute is one where English is the sole language of instruction as per the classification of the World Higher Education Database or in the International Handbook of Universities, point (3.a) above applies.
  • Valid iBT TOEFL or academic IELTS or Cambridge Assessment English tests results are evident and indicating a placement of less than full admission, in which case the test results will over-rule all other reasons for possible test exemptions.

Additional notes:

  • Degree seeking applicants who do not attain the minimum test score required for full admission, but are otherwise qualified for admission are placed in an English language Instruction (ELI) course for further language study.
  • Non degree seeking applicants must attain at least the test score required for full admission to be accepted.
  • Applicants may submit results for more than one test as long as these are submitted within the approved admission evaluation deadlines. The highest of the valid scores will be considered for admission.
  • The validity of any of these English language examinations is two years from the day of the exam. The results will not be considered for graduate admission if the expiry date is before the first day of registered classes at AUC.
  • The American University in Cairo reserves the right to request English proficiency test results from any applicant as deemed necessary.

Computer and Library Skills

Graduate students may be asked to demonstrate a minimum competency in use of computers and academic libraries as they relate to graduate study and research.

Entrance Examination

The program of major may require applicants to sit for a graduate entrance examination, the results of which will be considered at the time of admission.

1. Science and Engineering departments require PhD applicants to sit for a Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Also, applicants to MA programs in Economics, Economics in International Development are required to sit for the GRE exam.

2. The Department of Management requires MBA applicants to sit for the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT).

3. Applicants to MS in Finance are required to sit for either the GMAT or GRE tests.

4. The Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language program may require an Arabic Language Test based on the evaluation of the application.

GRE and GMAT exams have a validity of 5 years from the test date. If GRE and GMAT results are to be considered for admission to graduate studies, then the expiry date of their validity must fall after the first day of classes of the first semester of registration in the relevant graduate program.

Graduate Diploma Programs

The university offers a number of graduate diploma programs for which a bachelor’s degree with an acceptable GPA are required.

When recommended by program faculty, students may be accepted for diploma programs without commitment or expectation of future admission for a master’s degree.

Diploma applicants follow the same requirements and procedures for admission as master’s degree-seeking students.

Admission Deferral

Only fully admitted applicants may defer their admission if the deposit against their tuition is paid to hold a place in the program, and the deferral request must be placed before the first day of classes of the semester originally applied to. This privilege may be exercised only once, and the deferral can be for a maximum of one academic year. Full admission that is conditioned by the submission of original documents will not be considered for deferral if these requirements are not submitted within the deadlines set by the Office of Graduate Admissions.

In cases where admitted applicants’ test results expire before the start of the semester to which admission is to be deferred, they must submit new satisfactory test results before the expiry date or else deferral will be deactivated.

Applicants granted provisional admission cannot defer their admission, but may reapply in a subsequent semester.

Applicants are allowed 2 weeks after the admission application deadline, to complete the credentials of the application. If during this allowance period the applicant decides that he/she cannot submit the required test results on time, then the application can be deferred, upon the applicant’s request, to a subsequent semester, only if all other credentials are submitted, and all that remains pending is the test results. This type of deferral request is not permitted past the allowance period. Incomplete files cannot be deferred for processing in a following semester.

Medical Examination

A recent medical report indicating that the student is fit for conducting university studies is required from only the admitted students. Prior to registration and by the end of the first week of classes, all new graduate students are required to submit a soft copy of a recent medical report to AUC Clinic medicalserv@aucegypt.edu. International students are advised to include the results of a recent HIV test. Students with special medical requirements or those who would prefer that the Medical Center be made aware of specific medical conditions/needs, are advised to communicate these condition and establish contact with the specialists at the clinic, once on campus.

Medical Insurance for Non-Egyptian Applicants

It is recommended that non-Egyptian students have health and accident insurance which will cover them while they are in Egypt. In addition, all non-Egyptian students are required to enroll in the medical insurance service plan offered by the American University in Cairo which provides for limited care at specified hospitals in Cairo. Exemptions are made only for those non-Egyptian students who reside in Cairo with their families, or who are provided for by their companies, embassies or sponsoring agencies in Cairo. The medical service fee is announced by the Office of Student Financial Affairs and Scholarships every year. There is no fee exemption for medical services coverage. All students on campus, are covered by the service fee, which is limited to first aid and transportation to the nearest hospital, as needed. Health insurance for dependents of international students is mandatory. If at any given time, family members of international graduate students decide to reside in Egypt with the student, then they, as dependents (spouse and children) must be covered by a health insurance plan for the duration of their stay in Egypt. Dependents who are on short term visits to Egypt must be covered by a travel insurance. AUC cannot be held responsible for dependents who are not covered by a health insurance plan.

Categories of Admission

Categories of admission depend upon the applicant’s qualifications, status and study plan.

Full Admission

Full admission may be granted to entering students who have met the minimum criteria for graduate admission and any of the following requirements:

  • A bachelor’s degree with an overall grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 or its equivalent, and 3.0 or its equivalent in the major.
  • An overall average of gayyid giddan on a bachelor’s degree from an Egyptian national university, if a GPA equivalency value is not indicated.
  • A graduate degree with a minimum overall average of 3.0 GPA, if the degree is closely related to the intended major.
  • An equivalency index for local and international degrees is the main reference used for equating degree grades or percentage marks on transcripts. The index is based on a GPA scale of 1 to 4, where 4 is the highest value.

Additionally, the program of the major may require satisfactory performance on an examination or interview.

Full admission is may also be attained by fulfilling the conditions specified under the provisional admission category below.

Provisional Admission

Provisional admission is granted to those entering students not qualifying for full admission, but who have additional attributes that give them a high potential for success in a given graduate program.

Under provisional admission a student may be required to take English courses, a number of specified prerequisite courses, or fulfill a condition. Students are required to achieve at least a ‘B’ average in these prerequisite courses or their admission at AUC will be discontinued.

In some instances, students may not be required to fulfill any prerequisites while on provisional status; however, in this case, they are considered on probation and must achieve a minimum ‘B’ average for a specific list of courses and over a specific time duration, or they will be dropped from the program.

Dual Degree Admission

Graduate students may pursue two distinct graduate degrees (two master’s degrees, or a diploma and a master’s degree, or 2 graduate diploma degrees) in different majors, either simultaneously or consecutively. In any case, the student must seek admission to and be accepted by each program of concern, and then fill out a “Dual Graduate Degree” form, which is available on at the Office of the Registrar’s webpage https://www.aucegypt.edu/students/registrar/online-forms

Graduate Non-degree Admission


Applicants not seeking an AUC degree but wish to take AUC courses for academic credit may be admitted as a non-degree if they meet the minimum criteria for graduate admission. A number of places are set aside each year for non-degree seeking students, most of whom take up to a year away from their studies at another institution to study and live in Egypt. Since AUC is a U.S. accredited institution following an American system, students from U.S. universities are usually able to transfer AUC credits to their home institutions, but they are advised to check in advance. Non-degree applicants follow the same procedures for admission as degree-seeking applicants. They are however not required to submit letters of recommendation or GMAT or GRE entrance exams.

Graduate Non-Degree applicants:

1. Must attain full admission status prior to being approved for admission: https://documents.aucegypt.edu/Docs/admissions_grad_req/Grad%20Language%20Requirements.pdf   

2. Interested in graduate courses in English and Comparative Literature (ECLT) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESL), must achieve English test results that are required for full admission to these programs. 

3. Interested in graduate courses offered by the Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Finance (FINC), can register (if admitted) for a maximum of 3 courses that could count to the degree seeking program of each.

4. Are allowed a maximum of two subsequent semesters, to complete any of the approved courses indicated in the letter of admission and starting with the semester indicated in the letter.

Upon request, the university may approve a change of status from non-degree to degree student. The student will need to apply afresh for admission consideration to the degree seeking program(s), and if a graduate non-degree student should become a degree candidate, the department of major will consider the possibility of accepting credit for courses taken under non-degree status, for up to a maximum of 3 graduate courses successfully completed, with a minimum average grade of B, within 5 years prior to the date of first registration as a degree seeking student in the program of relevance. All academic regulations applicable to degree students will apply retroactively with such change of status.

Non degree applicants must indicate in their application a list of courses of interest. International applicants must indicate no less than 6 such graduate courses, out of which registration must be for at least 3. Egyptian applicants can indicate 3 for which approval is sought and out of which at least 1 course is selected for registration. Courses can be selected from the list of graduate programs offered each semester:


Graduate Exchange or Study Abroad Admission

Students joining AUC for a semester through an agreement with a partner university are also non degree seeking students who have been nominated by their home university for this exchange opportunity. The home university’s admission criteria will be taken into account for admission consideration at AUC. Recent graduate  transcripts verifying studies at the partner  university are required. However, the English placement requirement for admission can be satisfied by means of taking one of the approved English tests, or by providing alternative documentation that is specific to exchange or study abroad applicants, of having met the required English proficiency for graduate studies at AUC.

Other Categories



Those who wish to attend  individual classes  may apply as auditors; however,  they may not sit for final examinations, nor receive academic credit or any university  certificate of enrollment. Auditors do not have to meet all requirements for regular admission but must apply by the end of the first week of classes  of each semester, by submitting a form with the instructor(s) approval, and then  by filling  out the application form. Since  permission to audit  is on a space-available basis, applicants are not permitted to register  until after the registration of regular students has been completed. Auditors are not allowed  to enroll  in language courses.

Complete forms should  be forwarded to enrolauc@aucegypt.edu

Links to forms: 


https://documents. aucegypt.edu/Docs/students  Registrar/Auditor%20Registration%20form%20-%200ct.%202017%20(final%20updates).pdf


Non-Egyptian applicants must have a permanent resident visa or a work permit visa to be eligible to apply for auditing courses.


AUC students who withdraw from the University in good standing and subsequently wish to return may apply for readmission. The semester to which readmission is requested must be within the study period, as specified in the section ” Enrollment Status and Time Limit for a Degree Completion” of the Graduate Academic Requirements and Regulations. Application must be made before the appropriate application deadline, and the applicant must meet all the admission requirements prevailing at the time of readmission. Readmission is not guaranteed.

Dismissed students may petition for readmission taking into account the conditions specified in the section “Dismissal, Probation, Course Repeat and Retake” under Graduate Academic Requirements and Regulations, and must meet all the admission requirements prevailing at the time of readmission. Readmission is not guaranteed.

Students who are dismissed because they have not successfully completed the English language requirements in two semesters, may petition for readmission and are required to submit new valid International TOEFL with TWE, (iBT) or Academic IELTS or Cambridge Assessment English (only Advanced or Proficiency), demonstrating a level of proficiency that is higher than previously registered for: If they were students in intensive English course ELIN 0301  or ELIN 0302  then their new test results must place them in the level of Academic English Language modules or in direct admission with no English language requirements; if they were students in Academic English language modules, then their new test results must place them in direct admission with no English language requirements.

Students who withdraw from the University without having completed at least one graduate or prerequisite course required for their degree program may seek readmission so as to resume their studies no later then 4 semesters following the semester of their withdrawal. Beyond 4 semesters, these students would need to apply afresh for admission. This privilege may be exercised only once.

Conditions in the table below apply

English Level at Time of Withdrawal   Lapse of Time   iBT   TOEFL /Academic IELTS Required

Completed all language requirements

Completed all language requirements


Less than 24 months

More than 24 months


Yes, and apply afresh for admission

Enrolled in Intensive English or Academic English
  Less than 12 months   No
Enrolled in Intensive English or Academic English   More than 12 months   Yes
Enrolled in Intensive English or Academic English   More than 24 months  

Yes, and apply afresh for admission

Summer/ Winter Admission

The University does not usually admit graduate degree seeking students for the summer session, but exceptional cases may be brought to the attention of the Dean of Graduate Studies for consideration.

New degree seeking students are not admitted to the winter session.

Non degree applicants for the summer or winter sessions should follow the application procedures for non-degree admission and must submit their application forms by the admission deadlines set for the following semester. For more information about the programs: http://catalog.aucegypt.edu/content.php?catoid=20&navoid=856