Feb 09, 2025
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [Published Catalog]
Accounting |
• ACCT 201/2001 - Financial Accounting (3 cr.)
• ACCT 202/2002 - Managerial Accounting (3 cr.)
• ACCT 301/3001 - Intermediate Accounting I (3 cr.)
• ACCT 302/3002 - Intermediate Accounting II (3 cr.)
• ACCT 303/3003 - Advanced Accounting (3 cr.)
• ACCT 304/3004 - Cost Accounting (3 cr.)
• ACCT 305/3005 - Auditing (3 cr.)
• ACCT 306/3006 - Principles of Taxation (3 cr.)
• ACCT 401/4001 - Contemporary Issues in Auditing (3 cr.)
• ACCT 402/4002 - Special Topics in Tax Accounting (3 cr.)
• ACCT 403/4003 - Contemporary Issues in Accounting (3 cr.)
• ACCT 470/4070 - Special Topics in Accounting (3 cr.)
• ACCT 475/4075 - Independent Study in Accounting (1-3 cr.)
• ACCT 501/5201 - Financial Reporting and Analysis (3 cr.)
• ACCT 502/5301 - Managerial Accounting for Decision Making (3 cr.)
• ACCT 570/5370 - Selected Topics in Accounting (3 cr.)
• ACCT 575/5375 - Independent Study in Accounting (1-3 cr.)
American Studies |
• AMST 000/1090 - What is America? (3 cr.)
• AMST 199/1099 - Selected Topics for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)
• AMST 299/2096 - Selected Topics for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)
• AMST 310/3010 - American Literature to 1900 (3 cr.)
• AMST 311/3011 - Modern American Literature (3 cr.)
• AMST 356/3016 - American Philosophy (3 cr.)
• AMST 301/3100 - The US and the World Economy (3 cr.)
• AMST 400/4001 - Selected Topics in American Studies (3 cr.)
• AMST 444/4444 - Media Law and Policy (3 cr.)
Anthropology |
• ANTH 199/1099 - Selected Topics for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)
• ANTH 210/2005 - Arab Society (3 cr.)
• ANTH 299/2099 - Selected Topics for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)
• ANTH 202/2101 - Cultural Anthropology (3 cr.)
• ANTH 240/2201 - Introduction to Community Development (3 cr.)
• ANTH 302/3015 - Global Families: Kinship and Relatedness in Late Modernity (3 cr.)
• ANTH 303/3020 - Social Movements (3 cr.)
• ANTH 310/3035 - Contemporary Sociological Theory (3 cr.)
• ANTH 320/3040 - States, Capital and Rural Lives (3 cr.)
• ANTH 321/3045 - The Urban Experience (3 cr.)
• ANTH 332/3060 - Social Constructions of Difference: Race, Class and Gender (3 cr.)
• ANTH 341/3070 - Anthropology and Film (3 cr.)
• ANTH 352/3075 - Language in Culture (3 cr.)
• ANTH 360/3080 - Gender, Sexuality and Social Change (3 cr.)
• ANTH 370/3085 - Environmental Issues in Egypt (3 cr.)
• ANTH 372/3090 - Public Anthropology (3 cr.)
• ANTH 309/3102 - History of Social Theory (3 cr.)
• ANTH 311/3104 - Contemporary Anthropological Theory (3 cr.)
• ANTH 380/3105 - Fieldwork Methods (3 cr.)
• ANTH 340/3202 - Participatory Action Research in Community Settings (3 cr.)
• ANTH 312/3301 - Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa (3 cr.)
• ANTH 382/3302 - Peoples and Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa (3 cr.)
• ANTH 384/3303 - Peoples and Cultures of Latin America (3 cr.)
• ANTH 386/3304 - Peoples and Cultures of Asia (3 cr.)
• ANTH 390/3305 - Selected People and Culture Areas (3 cr.)
• ANTH 407/4015 - Psychological Anthropology (3 cr.)
• ANTH 422/4025 - Religion in a Global World (3cr.)
• ANTH 425/4030 - Women, Islam and the State (3 cr.)
• ANTH 450/4050 - Critical Approaches to Development (3 cr.)
• ANTH 455/4055 - Seminar in African Studies (3 cr.)
• ANTH 462/4065 - Culture, Economy and the Everyday (3 cr.)
• ANTH 492/4070 - Political Anthropology (3 cr.)
• ANTH 000/4075 - Migrants and Transnationals (3 cr.)
• ANTH 400/4099 - Selected Topics in Anthropology (3 cr.)
• ANTH 495/4107 - Senior Seminar (3 cr.)
• ANTH 440/4203 - Practicum in Community Development (3 cr.)
• ANTH 402/4405 - Independent Study (1-3 cr.)
• ANTH 445/4499 - Selected Topics in Coptic Studies (3 cr.)
• ANTH 460/4560 - Development Studies Seminar (3 cr.)
Applied Linguistics |
• APLN 515/5101 - The Phonetics of Arabic (3 cr.)
• APLN 516/5102 - The Linguistics of Arabic (3 cr.)
• APLN 551/5103 - Advanced Arabic Grammar (3 cr.)
• APLN 501/5201 - Principles of Linguistic Analysis (3 cr.)
• APLN 503/5202 - Second Language Acquisition (3 cr.)
• APLN 510/5203 - Methods of Teaching a Foreign Language I (3 cr.)
• APLN 511/5204 - Methods of Teaching a Foreign Language II (3 cr.)
• APLN 553/5205 - Sociolinguistics (3 cr.)
• APLN 555/5206 - Seminar on Challenges Facing AFL Teachers (3 cr.)
• APLN 507/5210 - Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)/Computer Operations Techniques (3 cr.)
• APLN 563/5211 - Language Variation and Change (3 cr.)
• APLN 540/5270 - Selected Topics in Applied Linguistics (1, 2, or 3 cr.)
• APLN 560/5271 - Supervised Study in TAFL (3 cr.)
• APLN 588/5298 - Comprehensives (no cr.)
• APLN 599/5299 - Research Guidance and Thesis (no cr.)
• APLN 510/5300 - Methods of TESOL I (3 cr.)
• APLN 501/5301 - Principles of Linguistic Analysis (3 cr.)
• APLN 520/5302 - Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (3 cr.)
• APLN 500/5303 - English Grammar (3 cr.)
• APLN 503/5304 - Second Language Acquisition (3 cr.)
• APLN 502/5305 - Assessment in Language Learning (3 cr.)
• APLN 507/5310 - Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) (3 cr.)
• APLN 570/5311 - Thesis Proposal Writing (3 cr.)
• APLN 531/5312 - Second Language Reading and Writing: Theory and Practice (3 cr.)
• APLN 000/5313 - Second Language Listening and Speaking: Theory and Practice (3 cr.)
• APLN 521/5320 - English Syntax (3 cr.)
• APLN 548/5321 - Corpus Linguistics (3 cr.)
• APLN 550/5322 - Language Pragmatics (3 cr.)
• APLN 551/5323 - Discourse of Analysis for Language Teachers (3 cr.)
• APLN 525/5330 - Language Transfer, Contrastive Analysis, and Error Analysis (3 cr.)
• APLN 553/5331 - Sociolinguistics (3 cr.)
• APLN 000/5332 - Intercultural Communication (3 cr.)
• APLN 540/5370 - Selected Topics in Applied Linguistics (1, 2, or 3 cr.)
• APLN 530/5371 - Supervised Study in TESOL (3 cr.)
• APLN 511/5397 - Methods of TESOL II (3 cr.)
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