Oct 06, 2024  
2010-2011 Academic Catalog 
2010-2011 Academic Catalog [Published Catalog]

Undergraduate Academic Requirements & Regulations

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Undergraduate Academic Requirements
Undergraduate Academic Regulations

Academic requirements and regulations govern the relationship between the university and its students. Students must complete the general academic requirements described below as well as those listed under an individual degree program in order to obtain an academic degree.

The academic regulations described in this section are effective at the time of publication. The university reserves the right to modify them, in which case changes will be announced when necessary. The student is responsible for being aware of all academic requirements and regulations. These can only be waived by action of the university, as appropriate. Current university regulations apply regardless of the regulations in effect at the time a student entered the university, except where current regulations specifically state the contrary.

Undergraduate Academic Requirements


The general academic requirements apply to all students working toward a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree. These requirements reflect the university’s effort to bridge two cultures. Thus the university requires a high concentration of courses in its undergraduate majors, a characteristic of Egyptian education, while at the same time requiring a core of general education, the approach taken by institutions in the United States. The main components of AUC’s undergraduate programs are:

  1. A Core Curriculum: foundation of general education in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
  2. Arabic language requirements.
  3. Concentrations: subjects in which students concentrate their studies and receive degrees.
  4. Collaterals: subjects in supporting disciplines specified by the department of major.
  5. Minors: subjects which students may, if they wish, study beyond the introductory level.
  6. Electives: courses chosen by students in consultation with their advisers.


To obtain a bachelor’s degree a student must take at least 45 credit hours of courses in residence at the American University in Cairo. At least 30 of the 45 hours must be in courses at the 300 and 400 levels; with a stipulation that no more than 15 transfer credits in 300-400 level courses, will satisfy concentration requirement of any program. The maximum credit to be considered for each program is as follows:

  1. A maximum of 15 transfer credit hours in the 300-400 level courses in programs offered by the School of Business.
  2. A maximum of 15 transfer credit hours in the 300-400 level courses in programs offered by the School of Sciences and Engineering.
  3. A maximum of 15 transfer credit hours in the 300-400 level courses in programs offered by the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy except for Middle East Studies program; a maximum of 12 transfer credit hours.
  4. A maximum of 12 transfer credit hours in the 300-400 level courses in programs offered by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

AUC students who join a year abroad exchange program administered by the university are exempted from the residence requirement part of maximum transfer credits in 300-400 level courses towards concentration requirements.


To be awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree, students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours (126 in Business Administration and 127 in Accounting) in courses in which the grades are “D” or better, and must earn a grade-point average of “C” or better, both overall and in the field of concentration. These requirements must be completed within seven years of the date of first registration as a freshman.

To be awarded the Bachelor of Science degree students must complete between 130 and 162 credit hours, depending on the major, in courses with grades of “D” or better and earn a grade-point average of “C” or better, both overall and in the field of concentration. These requirements must be completed within eight years of the date of first registration as a freshman.

Any period of withdrawal from the university is counted as part of the seven- or eight-year limit mentioned above.


The university offers courses of study leading to bachelor’s degrees in various academic fields in the arts and sciences and in professional fields. Undergraduates must select a major and fulfill the requirements of the department offering the degree. The fields of major and the departmental requirements are described in the “Fields of Study” section. Academic regulations concerning the declaration of major and change of major are described in the “Academic Regulations” section.

Double Majors

Students may earn two majors in related or unrelated fields and receive one bachelor’s degree. The following rules apply:

Acceptance in a second major must occur before the last semester of the senior year. Acceptance into a second major will be on the same basis as if it were the first major.

Students must complete all the requirements for both majors. Only in cases where requirements in both majors designate the same specific course(s) can the same course(s) be counted for both majors.

Students must have a faculty adviser in each major. The advisers and student must meet together and plan the student’s academic program. Both advisers must sign the student’s registration forms.

One degree will be awarded upon successful completion of both majors. If one major qualifies for the bachelor of arts degree and the other for the bachelor of science degree, the student in consultation with his/her advisers will decide which degree to receive.

In considering whether to major in two subjects, students should be aware that it may take more than four years to complete all requirements, that scheduling of prerequisites and required courses in two majors may be difficult, and that some AUC departments, particularly those which limit enrollment, may not allow students to take a second major in their departments.


In addition to major subjects leading to a degree, students may select one or two minor fields of specialization. The minor program is available to students who would like to study a particular subject beyond the introductory courses but not to the level of expertise required for a major. An undergraduate minor introduces the student to the scope and methodology of the minor field and is often an important auxiliary to his/her major field. Students are encouraged to enter minors which will broaden their experience at AUC and enhance the interdisciplinary character of the undergraduate programs.

Minors may be within a given discipline, or interdisciplinary. Students wishing to minor in a given discipline may do so if they satisfy the requirements of the department or unit offering the minor, taking into consideration that in some cases the minimum credit hours required for graduation may have to be exceeded. At least 15 hours of courses as specified under each field are required for a minor. A course or courses specifically required in the major and the minor may count towards both the major and the minor. Course(s) which are not specifically required in the major and the minor, will not count towards both the major and the minor.

The requirements for individual minors appear under the relevant field of study. Each interdisciplinary minor is administered by a steering committee which is itself interdisciplinary. Steering committee membership is open either to all teachers in the program or to representation from each department in the program in any given year.

Undergraduate Academic Regulations



Students must register during the official registration period at the times announced in the university calendar. They should plan their courses with their advisers prior to registration and follow the instructions contained in bulletins issued by the Office of the University Registrar or on the Registrar’s Web site. Those seeking to enroll after the scheduled registration period cannot be guaranteed acceptance. If permitted to register they will be charged a late registration fee.

Change of Courses

With careful attention to the degree requirements and course offerings there should be minimal need for course changes after registration has been completed. Any student who desires a course change must follow the instructions contained in the bulletin issued by the Office of the University Registrar.

  • Another course may not be substituted for a required course unless university action requires that the change be made.
  • A course may not be added to the student’s schedule after the registration deadline.
  • Students may not drop 100-level Rhetoric and Composition (RHET) courses without permission from the Department of Rhetoric and Composition.
  • Students may drop classes up to the end of the fourth week of classes in an academic semester or the summer session, with no grade record being maintained.
  • Between the end of the fourth and the twelfth week of classes in an academic semester, students may drop courses. A grade of “WP” will be assigned to students whose performance is evaluated by the professor as “C” or above, or a grade of “WF” will be assigned to those whose performance is evaluated as less than “C”.
  • After the twelfth week in academic semesters and the fourth week in the summer session, students are not permitted to drop classes.
  • Students will receive a grade of “F” if they stop attending classes without officially dropping the course.

Credit Hours

Coursework is counted in credit hours. In general, a credit hour represents a one-hour class period that requires at least two hours of individual study each week for one semester. Thus a course of three credit hours would meet for three hours a week and the student would be expected to study for six hours outside of class. Laboratory courses involve less outside work, so usually one hour of credit is granted for a three-hour session.

Class Standing

Class standing is determined by the number of credit hours completed. Students become sophomores on completing 30 credit hours, juniors on completing 60 credit hours, and seniors on completing 90 credit hours.

Declaration of Major

Declaring intended Program during admission:

Students are required to indicate their preferred “Intended Program” during admission. Those who are not accepted to the program of their choice will be admitted as “Undeclared students”.

Selection to degree program is based on:

  • Secondary school performance (students who indicate their intended program during Admission).
  • Academic requirements set by the department.
  • Available places.

Declaring intended Program for “Undeclared” students at the end of their Freshman Year:

Students may choose to declare their major before the beginning of their third semester to have the opportunity to experience a variety of disciplines and courses, and be exposed to a wide range of academic choices.

Students follow the degree requirements stated in the catalog of the year in which they make their declaration. However, if a student withdraws from the university and is later readmitted s/he will be required to follow the catalog requirements of the year in which readmission occurs.

Change of Major

Students may change their field of study or be required to change it by university action at any time up to the end of their junior year. A change requires approval from the department of the new major. Students follow the degree requirements stated in the catalog of the year in which they make the change.

Students may not change their major after the start of their senior year, unless by university action.

Students who change their major anytime during their course of study until the beginning of their junior year are required to complete their degree work within the 18 credit hours over the normal major requirements.

Students who change their major at the end of their junior year or during their senior year by university action may be allowed to take courses beyond the normal maximum limits. Any adjustment in the limit will be based on the recommendation of the new major department to the appropriate school committee.

Academic Load

Full time undergraduate students normally take an academic load of twelve to sixteen hours, with the exception of science, engineering and computer science students who may take up to eighteen hours. In the summer session, students may take up to seven credit hours. In the Winter session, summer A session and summer B session, students may take up to four credit hours.

Permission to exceed the above maximums, up to twenty one credit hours in fall and spring semesters and nine credit hours in the summer, is based on the student’s previous academic record in addition to the recommendation of the department chair and the University Registrar. Freshman students are not permitted to exceed the maximum load, and courses taken for no credit are included within that load.

Students taking less than twelve credit hours are part-time students unless they are seniors who need to complete their degree requirements, or are prevented from taking normal load as a result of university restrictions. Students may not change their status from full time to part time during the semester without the approval of the University Registrar.

The university encourages students to carry a full load and to devote all their effort to university work and activities to obtain full benefit from their undergraduate education. Those who cannot devote full time to their undergraduate program, whether because of needed employment or other obligations, may carry a lighter course load of six to nine hours. The university cannot reschedule classes because they conflict with outside obligations.

Full-time students are entitled to university certification concerning deferment from military service and are eligible for student aid and employment. Part-time students are not entitled to certification concerning military deferment and are not eligible for student aid or employment.

Foreign students carrying a full academic load are entitled to university certification for use in obtaining their student visa. In case of withdrawal, the university reports the Egyptian authorities to cancel the student residence visa that was received through the university. Part-time students are not entitled to university certification for obtaining a student visa.


Student work in each course is evaluated throughout the semester. Examinations, quizzes, reports, discussions or other means of evaluation help students know how they stand in a course.

Final examinations review the entire semester’s work but are not heavily emphasized. Each examination lasts no longer than two hours and counts for no more than one-third of the final course grade. Except in 400-level courses and higher where extensive writing assignments and projects pertain, no other element in the final course grade will count for more than one-third. Final examinations are held during the official examination period, which is listed in the academic calendar of the university.

At the close of the semester students receive a final grade in each course. The grade is the professor’s official estimate of the student’s achievement as reflected in examinations, assignments, and class participation. The final grades are recorded on the student’s permanent record at the Office of the University Registrar. The grade may not be changed on the student record.

The following grading system is used at the American University in Cairo:

Grade   Points   Description
A   4.0   Excellent
A-   3.7    
B+   3.3   Very good
B   3.0    
B-   2.7   Good
C+   2.3    
C   2.0   Passing
C-   1.7    
D+   1.3   Conditionally passing
D   1.0    
F   0.0   Failing
Grades not included in the Grade Point Average:
P   Pass*
F   Fail
I   Incomplete
S   Satisfactory
U   Unsatisfactory
W   Withdrew
WP   Withdrew-Passing
WF   Withdrew-Failing
AU   Audit
IP   In progress

*Pass indicates a quality of performance at the minimum level of ” C.” “Pass/Fail” grades are assigned only to certain courses as defined in their course description.

The grade point average is calculated by multiplying the grade value by the number of credit hours the course represents; the result is the column listed as quality points. The total quality points is then divided by the total credit hours, excluding the credit hours for “P/F” courses, as illustrated below.

An example for calculating the grade point average:

Course ID   Grade   Credit Hrs   QualityPoints  
RHET 101   C   3   6  
CHEM 105   D   3   3  
CHEM 115L   C+   1   2.3  
MACT 131   F   3   0  
PHYS 111   A-   3   11.1  
PHYS 123L   B+   1   3.3  
14   11   14   25.7 1.83

AHRS: Attempted Hours are the credit hours that the student is registering for.

EHRS: Earned Hours are hours of courses in which the student achieved a passing grade, including courses with “pass/fail” grades. The earned hours (not attempted) are counted to determine the student’s class and graduation.

QHRS: Quality Hours are hours of courses which are graded, excluding pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory courses.

QPTS: Quality Points are points allotted to each course, which are the result of multiplying the credit hours of the course by the points assigned to each grade mentioned above.

GPA: Grade Point Average is the quotient obtained by dividing the total quality points by the total quality hours i.e. 25.7/14 = 1.83.

A “C” average (2.00) is required to graduate from the American University in Cairo. Likewise, a minimum grade point average of 2.00 is required in majors and minors.

Grades of “pass/fail”, “S”, “U”, “I”, and “W” are not assigned grade point values and are not used in the computation of the grade point average. Decimals beyond 2 places are truncated, not rounded up, in computing the grade point average.

Incomplete Work

In very rare cases, undergraduate students who are unable to complete a course may be permitted to continue work in that course beyond the examination period. Any professor submitting an incomplete grade must supplement this submission with a form to the Office of the University Registrar (copies to the instructor, and the student) giving the following information:

  1. Reason for the incomplete.
  2. The material which is lacking.
  3. Action necessary for removal of the incomplete.

In such a case, a grade of “I”, for “incomplete,” is assigned. The students must make arrangements with the professor to complete the course within one month after the beginning of the new academic session, whether they are in school or not. Failure to complete the course within one month after the beginning of the new academic session causes the grade in that course to be recorded as “F”, signifying failure.

If students have one incomplete grade, their academic load limit the following semester will not be affected. If they have more than one incomplete grade, the credit hours of the incomplete will be included in their academic load for the following semester.

Students who receive an incomplete grade(s) while on warning due to a deficiency in their overall grade point average will not be allowed to register the following semester. If, however, they complete their incomplete work before the end of the late registration period, and are academically eligible, they will be allowed to proceed with registration.

Class Attendance

Attendance and participation in class and laboratory sessions are essential to the process of education at AUC. Students benefit from the lectures and discussions with their teachers and fellow students. If they fail to attend class, they fail to take advantage of an educational opportunity. For this reason students are expected to attend class regularly; there is no system of permitted absences. The instructor in each class determines the effect of absences on a student’s grade in that class. General guidelines followed at AUC include:

  1. Any absence may affect the student’s grade.
  2. Instructors need not give substitute assignments or examinations to students who miss class.
  3. In the event a student misses more than three weeks of classes during a semester for any reason, or the equivalent of three weeks in the summer session, an instructor may:

    • Give a grade of “F” for the course;
    • Ask the student to drop the course if the absences occur before the last date for dropping classes; and/or
    • If two of the three weeks of absences are caused by proven illness or other emergency, the student may be granted a grade of “I”, for incomplete work, and allowed to finish the coursework by the end of the first month in the following semester.

A doctor’s certification of a serious illness may be brought to the attention of the university physician, who will inform the Office of Student Affairs. The OSA staff will then contact the student’s instructors to inform them of the expected length of class absence.

Repeating Courses Under the Course Repeat Policy

Effective fall 2002, all students pursuing an undergraduate degree may repeat a course one time for the purpose of improving a grade. This policy is limited to a maximum of twelve semester credits during the entire undergraduate career of a student, and to courses taken at AUC within the previous two years. All course repeats must be done at AUC. The course being retaken must be the same course first taken, unless that course is no longer offered at AUC, or during the two-year period. In such a case, only the department that offered the same course may substitute another course with approval of the major department.

A student cannot have the privilege of repeating a course under this policy if the grade is received for reasons of academic dishonesty.

If a student repeats a course, the credit from the first attempt will not be applied to meeting the AUC graduation requirements. No student will be permitted to repeat more than 12 credits under this policy.

Students are advised that repeating courses under this policy does not result in the removal of the original record or grade from their transcripts. The second grade is recorded and computed in the grade point average and the earlier grade is disregarded in calculation of the grade point average. The repeat course form is available in the Office of the University Registrar and on the Registrar web page: http://student.aucegypt.edu. The completed form must be submitted to the University Registrar’s Office by maximum the twelfth week of the term in which the course is being repeated.

Students who have already repeated 12 units prior to Spring 1995 have used up their course repeat option. Their transcripts will not be altered retroactively.

Retaking Courses Outside of the Course Repeat Policy

A student who has exhausted the “Course Repeat Policy” privileges or who has received a grade for reasons of academic dishonesty may still retake a course in which “D+”, “D” or “F” was earned. No additional course credit will be applied to meeting AUC graduation requirements, but both grades for that course will be calculated in the Grade Point Average.


The university awards honors to students who do superior work. Full-time students who earn a grade point average of 3.50 or above for the previous semester are placed on the dean’s honor roll. This distinction is noted on the student’s academic record.

Graduation honors are awarded to students who have maintained a superior grade point average throughout their college careers:

  1. Students who enter the university as freshmen or sophomores earn honors (Cum Laude) if they graduate with a cumulative average of 3.4, high honors (Magna Cum Laude) with 3.6 and highest honors (Summa Cum Laude) with 3.8.
  2. Students who graduate from the university with transfer credits of 45 hours or more receive graduation honors if they earn a cumulative average of 3.5, high honors if they earn a grade point average of 3.7 and highest honors if they earn a grade point average of 3.9.


Students who fail to meet the academic standards established by the university will be placed on probation. The probation period provides the student with an opportunity to correct the deficiency, but that period may last for no more than two regular semesters. Failure to achieve the required standard by the end of the probation period disqualifies the student from further attendance at the university.

Students who fail to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better at the end of a semester will be placed on probation. Students who fail ENGL 100 will be placed on warning.

In the above cases, a letter is sent to the student, to his home address, which includes a statement of what is required to avoid dismissal from the university. To be allowed to continue on probation the following semester students in this category must show satisfactory improvement during the first semester of their probation period (i.e. achieve at least a 2.0 semester GPA).

Students placed on probation for a deficiency in their cumulative GPA must limit their academic load during their probation period to four courses with a maximum of 13 credit hours per semester. The permissible load for students taking ENGL 100 is a maximum of 7 credit hours per semester. It is the responsibility of the adviser to follow up on the student’s performance and academic load.

Students who fail to maintain a grade point average of 2.0 in their major at the end of any semester following their declaration of major, will be placed on major probation. A letter is sent to the student, to his home address, with a copy to the department of major.

Students will have two semesters to clear the deficiency in their major. If by the end of the two semesters the deficiency is not corrected, they will be discontinued unless accepted in another major.

Students on probation/warning for any of the above deficiencies are not allowed to participate actively, or represent the university, in co-curricular activities, such as teams, clubs, plays, and university competitions. They may not be nominated for the Student Union.


To avoid dismissal, students on overall probation must achieve a semester grade point average of 2.0 following the first semester of their probation period, and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 at the end of the second semester of their probation period.

A student who fails ENGL 100 twice in two regular semesters and a third time in a Summer session will be dismissed from the University and must wait one full semester before applying for readmission. The student must score high enough on the TOEFL for direct admission to the Department of Rhetoric and Composition courses (RHET) since s/he will not be allowed to take ENGL 100 for a third time during a regular semester.

Planned Educational Leave of Absence

Students at The American University in Cairo may apply for a Planned Educational Leave of Absence. A Planned Educational Leave of Absence is defined as a planned interruption or pause in a student’s regular education during which the student temporarily ceases his or her formal studies at AUC while pursuing other activities that may assist in clarifying the student’s educational goals. The intent of the policy is to make it possible for a student to suspend his or her academic work, leave the campus without jeopardizing his or her rights and privileges, and later resume his or her studies with a minimum of procedural difficulty. A student who is approved for a planned leave will be considered as maintaining his or her status as a continuing student.

Planned educational leaves may be granted for a variety of reasons or projects, but certain characteristics must be contained in any request for a leave:

  1. The leave must have a definite purpose relevant to the student’s overall educational objectives and goals.
  2. The request must be for a specific period of time which should not exceed 3 regular semesters for students pursuing an undergraduate program.
  3. The student must plan to return to AUC at the conclusion of his or her leave.

The following regulations apply to the planned educational leave:

  1. An application for a Planned Educational Leave of Absence and additional information can be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar or on the Registrar web page http://student.aucegypt.edu
  2. The student must obtain the approval of his or her faculty advisor, the department chair of his or her major (or, in the case of an undeclared student, the Freshman Advisor) and the University Registrar.
  3. The student should be in academic good standing at the time of the leave request. The leave application must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar by the start of the final examination period of the semester immediately preceding the requested leave. The Office of the University Registrar will notify the leave applicant of the status of the request after all of his or her final grades have been submitted.
  4. The student may cancel a leave of absence as late as the first day of classes of the term for which the leave has been requested. However, the deadlines for payment of the term bill and the penalties for late payment apply in such cases.
  5. A degree student who discontinues active enrollment in degree studies without being granted a leave of absence, or a student granted a leave who does not return to active study at the close of the period of approved absence, will be considered to have withdrawn from the University and must apply for readmission and be subject to the regulations and requirements then in force.
  6. The right to use university facilities is suspended while the leave is in effect, with the exception of library privileges subject of the approval of the department of major.
  7. A Planned Educational Leave of Absence is counted as part of the time limitations specified under the heading “Graduation” in this section. A student returning from an approved leave remains under the requirements of the catalog that s/he was following upon the declaration of major.
  8. Any academic credit during a Planned Educational Leave of Absence is accredited by AUC only if permission is granted in advance by the University Registrar.

Withdrawal from the University

Students who drop all their courses during a semester are requested to pass by the Office of the University Registrar to activate their registration screens before the advising/registration period for the consecutive semester.

Students who wish to withdraw from the University for one semester or more due to illness or other emergency circumstances are requested to fill in a “Withdrawal Form” and submit it to the Office of the University Registrar - forms are available at the Office of the University Registrar and on the Registrar web page http://student.aucegypt.edu

Withdrawal grades will be recorded for each course, grades are either WP, meaning that the student was doing satisfactory work at the time of withdrawal, or WF, meaning that the student was not doing satisfactory work at the time of withdrawal. No academic credit is given for courses from which students withdraw.

Students who wish to return after an absence of one or more semesters may apply for readmission. Readmission is not granted automatically. (See the “Admissions” section of the catalog.)


Students who have graduated or who withdraw from the university in good standing are entitled to one free student transcript of their academic record. No transcript of academic record will be issued during the examination, registration, or graduation periods. Academic transcripts will not be issued when unsatisfied financial obligations to the university exist.

Non-degree Academic Regulations

Since non-degree students are usually seeking credit for transfer to other institutions, not all of the academic regulations in the previous section are applicable to them. They will be primarily concerned about the academic regulations of their home institutions to ensure that they receive maximum possible credit for their AUC work.

Non-degree students should note the sections pertaining to registration, change of courses, academic load, grades, probation, incomplete work, class attendance, and transcripts in the undergraduate section as appropriate.

Non-degree students who wish to transfer their ALU (Arabic Language Unit) credits towards a degree in a regular AUC program should get the approval of their department of major. Those wishing to transfer credits to their home universities should check these universities’ policies before coming to Cairo.

Academic Integrity Policy

Preamble: Valuing the concepts of academic integrity and independent effort, the American University in Cairo expects from its students the highest standards of scholarly conduct. The University community asserts that the reputation of the institution depends on the integrity of both faculty and students in their academic pursuits and that it is their joint responsibility to promote an atmosphere conducive to such standards.

  1. Academic dishonesty is not acceptable in an institution dedicated to learning or in any society. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
    1. Cheating: using unauthorized notes, aids, or information on an examination; altering a graded work prior to its return to a faculty member; allowing another person to do one’s own work and submitting it for grading.
    2. Plagiarism: submitting material that in part or whole is not one’s own work; submitting one’s own work without properly attributing the correct sources of its content.
    3. Fabrication: inventing or falsifying information, data, or citation; presenting data gathered outside of acceptable professorial guidelines; failing to provide an accurate account of how information, data or citations were gathered; altering documents affecting academic records; forging signatures or authorizing false information on an official academic document, grade, letter, form, ID card, or any other university document; submitting false excuses for absence, delay or illness.
    4. Multiple Submissions: submitting identical papers or course work for credit in more than one course without prior permission of the instructor.
    5. Obtaining or Attempting to Obtain Unfair Advantage:
      1. gaining or providing access to examination materials prior to the time authorized by an instructor;
      2. stealing, defacing, or destroying library or research materials which can deprive others of their use;
      3. unauthorized collaboration on an academic assignment;
      4. retaining, possessing, or circulating previously used examination materials without the instructor’s permission;
      5. obstructing or interfering with another student’s academic work;
      6. engaging in any activity designed to obtain an unfair advantage over another student in the same course;
      7. offering bribes to staff or any university employee to effect a grade change, or gain unfair advantage over other students.
    6. Unauthorized Access: viewing or altering in any way computer records, modifying computer programs or systems, releasing or distributing information gathered via unauthorized access, or in any way interfering with the use or availability of computer systems/information.
    7. Aiding and Abetting: providing material, information, or other assistance which violates the above Standards for Academic Integrity; providing false information in connection with any inquiry regarding academic integrity.
    8. Impersonation: impersonating or allowing to be impersonated by another individual during classes, examination or other university activities.
    9. Threatening harm: threatening, effecting, or encouraging bodily, professional or financial harm to any faculty, staff, administrator or student who has witnessed or reported a violation of the Code of Ethics.

    The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action as severe as dismissal according to procedures delineated in section II.

  2. An instructor has full authority to deal with an academic dishonesty incident within the context of his/her course. Disciplinary action may cover the range from reprimand to “F” for the course grade. The instructor may also recommend suspension or dismissal from the University.

    The instructor’s action on incidents of academic dishonesty must be communicated to the student(s) involved as well as to the Student Affairs Office and the office responsible for monitoring academic integrity by her/him within two weeks of the time the instructor became aware of the incident.

    All cases of academic dishonesty are to be immediately reported to the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee and to the Chair of the instructor’s department. In the case of a recommendation for suspension or dismissal, the Academic Integrity Committee will meet promptly to investigate and submit a recommendation to the Provost, who is the final authority.

    All students involved in academic dishonesty will receive an official letter of warning from the University administration, a copy of which will remain in the students’ file in the department as well as in the Student Affairs Office and the office responsible for monitoring academic integrity.

  3. Once the Academic Integrity Committee has given a hearing to the student and submitted its recommendation to the Provost, no further appeal may be made unless substantial new evidence is presented to the Chair of the Academic Integrity Committee, who will evaluate the evidence and reopen the case if deemed necessary.