Sep 20, 2024  
2013-2014 Academic Catalog 
2013-2014 Academic Catalog [Published Catalog]



 For the current year, when searching for courses by code, enter the first digit of the course number followed by an asterisk, for example 3* 


  • CHEM 599/5980 - Research Guidance and Thesis (3 cr. + 3 cr.)

    Consultation on problems related to student thesis. Must be taken twice for a total of 6 credits.

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  • CHEM 603/6103 - Bioseparation Processes for Food and Pharmaceutical Industries (3 cr.)

    Consent of instructor.

    This course deals with the separation processes used in food and pharmaceutical industries for the isolation and purification of biological molecules. The focus is on the science and engineering concepts underlying the separation, as well as the process calculations associated with each bioseparation unit operation. Key topics include principles and design calculations of centrifugation and cell disruption, extraction phase separations and equipment design, absorption equilibrium and column dynamics, chromatography plate theory, chromatography equipment and methods, dynamic scale-up, electric-field based methods, engineering analysis of membrane processes, membrane concentration polarization and fouling, modeling of filtration processes, crystallization and drying operations, and overall process development.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CHEM 615/6105 - Principles and Applications of Mass Spectrometry (3 cr.)

      or consent of instructor.

    This course addresses the theory of mass spectrometry and develops the technique as a modern analytical tool to solving research problems in chemistry and biochemistry. It also addresses gas-phase ion chemistry. The course will be delivered in three sections: instrumentation, theory and applications. Topics will include ionization techniques, mass separation techniques and mass analyzers, ion dissociation, ion mobility, in addition it will include sophisticated experimental methods, such as tandem in space and tandem in time mass spectrometry. Mass spectral interpretation will also be covered for various applications, including environmental, food chemistry and medical sciences.

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  • CHEM 699/6980 - Research Guidance Dissertation (3 cr.)

    Consultation on problems related to student thesis. To be taken 11 times for credit.


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  • CORE 110/1010 - Exploring the Big Questions (3 cr.)

    Taken concurrently with   .

    This course is a cluster of distinct courses (topics may vary semester to semester) with shared goals and learning outcomes. All sections of CORE 1010 aim to introduce students to university-level academic study and the meaning and values of a liberal arts education. Through varied section topics, readings, films and other media, discussions and assignments, CORE 1010 will help students adapt and succeed in today’s university environment, as they develop their skills in critical thinking, information literacy, teamwork, and effective reading and communication. Courses focus on issues of lasting value and current relevance for students, and address questions such as “Who am I?” “What do citizenship and civic responsibility mean?” “How do I know what is true?” and “What is a good life?”

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  • CORE 199/1099 - Selected Topics for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)

    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major.

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  • CORE 299/2099 - Selected Topics for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)


    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major.

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  • CORE 499/4198 - Selected Topic for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)


    Interdisciplinary seminar addressing broad current topics and concerns from a variety of intellectual and professional perspectives; open and accessible to all senior students, irrespective of major.

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  • CREL 299/2096 - Selected Topics for the Core Curriculum in International/World Studies (3 cr.)


    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • CREL 299/2097 - Selected Topics for the Core Curriculum in Arab World Studies (3 cr.)


    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • CREL 299/2099 - Selected Topics for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)


    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • CREL 135/2601 - Dimensions of the Sacred: Exploring Religious Experience (3 cr.)

    What defines religion? What might explain the practically universal impulse to recognize the divine? This course investigates a variety of religions, according to common dimensions held by them that run across cultures: the social; the ethical; the doctrinal; the ritual; the mythic; the experiential; and the artistic.

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  • CREL 210/2603 - Religions of the World (3 cr.)

    An introduction to the academic study of religion. By looking at the history, beliefs, practices, institutions and cultural expressions of a number of different religions, students will broaden their understanding of religions other than their own, and of the diversity of the human religious experience. Students will learn to appreciate the variety of the religions of the world, and the similarities and differences between them.

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  • CREL 212/2605 - The Quest for the Historical Jesus (3 cr.)

    Investigates the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth within the context of Second Temple Judaism and Greco-Roman culture. Considers a range of pre-modern and modern interpretations of Jesus and the emergence of Christianity.

    Same as  .
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally

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  • CREL 220/2606 - Hinduism and Buddhism in India (3 cr.)

    This course will explore the major dimensions of the two most important religions in India from 1500 BCE to 1000 CE. Along with providing an introduction to these two traditions, the course will give particular attention to the ways in which these religions have interacted historically.

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  • CREL 230/2607 - Pilgrimage Traditions in the World’s Religions (3 cr.)

    This course examines pilgrimage as a unifying theme in exploration of human religiosity. While we will focus on what are called “ritual pilgrimages”, such as the Islamic hajj, we will also explore pilgrimage more metaphorically, by looking at the allegorical, mythological, and visionary journeys. As frameworks for our analyses, we will also look at humanistic and social scientific interpretive and theoretical models concerning pilgrimage.

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  • CREL 333/3209 - Zionism and Modern Judaism (3 cr.)

    The Zionist ideology and movement in its own terms, and in the context of modern Judaism. The course places Zionism in its historical and religious contexts, and examines its varieties. The Zionist movement is followed from its origins to the establishment of Israel. Related aspects of Israeli politics are then examined, with especial reference to ideological and religious debates

    Same as  .

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  • CREL 320/3608 - Masters, Saints, and Saviors: Sacred Biography in the World’s Religions (3 cr.)

    This course will explore one of the most important subjects in religious literature, the lives of great spiritual figures. We will investigate a variety of biographical and autobiographical materials from several different religious traditions, examining both form and function and testing whether or not we can make useful cross-cultural comparisons.

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  • CREL 529/5609 - World Religions and the Study of Religion (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Islamic Studies MA program.


    This course will introduce students to the great world religions other than Islam, and will introduce them to current theories and methods in the academic field of Religious Studies.

    Same as


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  • CSCE 106/1001 - Fundamentals of Computer Science (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite: College level preparation course in Mathematics or   .

    Introduction to the discipline of computing. Computer systems, number systems, data representation and basic computer organization. Basic Math concepts, functions and propositional logic. Problem solving, abstraction, design and programming. Selection structures, repetition and loop statements. Modular programming. Basic testing and debugging of programs. Introduction to programming in C++. Professional Ethics for computer professionals.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 102/1002 - Introduction to Computers and their Applications (3 cr.)

    Introduction to computer-related terms and concepts. Scope limitations of the computer capabilities. Ethics and social impact of using computers. Basic skills related to the familiarity and efficient use of computer input/output devices, operating systems and computer communications. Training on popular computer applications (e.g. word processing, spread sheet, database and presentation graphics). Limited programming experience in a high-level language.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    This course is intended for arts students.

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  • CSCE 110/1101 - Programming Fundamentals (3 cr.)


    Overview of basic programming constructs. Functions, parameter passing and files. Data modeling with arrays, structures and classes. Pointers and linked lists. Recursion. Basic program design and analysis, testing and debugging techniques. Programming in C++. Program development using modern APIs.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 210/2201 - Data Structures and Algorithms (3 cr.)


    The role of data structures in software engineering and algorithm design. Abstract data types and classes: concepts, data models, and levels of abstraction. Recursion. Analysis of algorithms. Elementary data structures and their implementation: arrays, strings, structures and files. Specification, implementation and application of stacks, queues, lists, trees and graphs. Searching and sorting algorithms.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 230/2301 - Digital Design I (3 cr.)


    Basic logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic minimization algorithms, modular design of combinational circuits, introduction to computer arithmetic, memory elements, sequential circuits, Finite State Machines analysis and design, top-down digital systems design approach, timing aspects of digital systems. Exposure to modern Electronic Design Automation tools, Hardware Description Languages and programmable logic devices. The laboratory component will cover experiments in digital electronics.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 239L/2302 - Digital Design I Lab (1 cr.)

    Concurrent with   .

    The laboratory will cover experiments in digital design and experiments illustrating material of course   .

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 231/2303 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming (3 cr.)


    Explaining the state of the art computer systems focusing on major components: CPU,I/O, and memory. In-depth discussion of the instructions set architecture of the MIPS microprocessors. This includes different types of assembly instructions doing basic arithmetic, data movement, decision making, and jumping. Discussing different performance matrices of microprocessors and how to measure and analyze performance and evaluate speedups. Going through basic computer arithmetic covering integer and floating point operations. Discussing I/O ports, I/O  devices and controllers, DMA channels, priority interrupts. Also discussing different I/O technologies, such as magnetic disks, flash disks, and optical storage. It also discusses the latest trends in microprocessors design and programming (such as SIMD and MIMD).

    Same as  .
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 253/2501 - Fundamentals of Database Systems (3 cr.)


    Basic concepts, database system environment, DBMS. Components and architecture access structures, indexing and hashing, high-level data models, ER and EER model, the relational model, relational languages, relational algebra, relational calculus, SQL, introduction to functional dependencies and normalization, social and ethical context of databases.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 201/2502 - Information Technology (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or higher.

    Module 1: The Components of Information Technology: data technology, processing technology, and networking technology. Module 2: Computer Ethics and Social Issues. Module 3: Business, Economic and Development Impacts of Information Technology. Module 4: Computer Applications (in which students will be given the chance to create, modify and interact with sophisticated computer applications.)

    When Offered
    Offered once every year.

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  • CSCE 315/3101 - Programming Language (1-2 cr.)


    A programming language different from those studied in   and   will be presented according to the interest of both students and faculty.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    Students may repeat this course with different languages but only a maximum of four credits can be counted toward the concentration requirements.

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  • CSCE 316/3102 - Programming in Java (3 cr.)


    This course offers intermediate programming concepts in the Java programming language to include virtual machines, dynamic type checking, object serialization, inheritance and polymorphism, file manipulation, interfaces and packages. Java Applets, event handling, multithreading and network-based application development in Java are also covered along with a set of selected topics such as remote method invocation and remote database access using the language.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • CSCE 317/3103 - Object Oriented Programming (3 cr.)


    In-depth study of a typical object-oriented programming language (C++) from a software engineering perspective, with emphasis on features supporting the development of large, efficient and reusable object-oriented applications. Principles and practice of three software development paradigms: developing classes from scratch, reuse of existing classes, incremental extension of frameworks. Encapsulation, templates, polymorphism, dynamic binding and virtual methods, operator’s overloading, complex associations, dynamic aggregation, inheritance (single and multiple), exception handling, the standard template library. Introduction to UML for describing program designs.

    When Offered
    Offered Occasionally.

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  • CSCE 325/3104 - Concepts of Programming Languages (3 cr.)


    Comparative study of abstraction, syntax, semantics, binding times, data and sequence control, run-time resources, translators, and storage of programming languages. Programming projects using selected programming languages to enhance practical aspects.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 321/3201 - Analysis and Design of Algorithms (3 cr.)


    Design and analysis of basic classes of algorithms: Divide and conquer, greedy methods, tree and graph traversals, and backtracking. Applications to problems such as sorting and searching, traveling salesperson, and knapsack. Theory of complexity.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 330/3301 - Computer Architecture (3 cr.)


    The objectives of this course are to introduce the principles of Modern Computer Architecture and design. Topics to be discussed include Instruction Set Architectures, Arithmetic Logic Unit design, CPU data path design, CPU pipelining, memory hierarchy, cache and virtual memory, and introduction to I/O.

    Same as  .
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 339L/3302 - Computer Architecture Lab (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite: Concurrent with  

    The laboratory will cover experiments in computer architecture and hardware design and experiments illustrating material of course   .

    Same as  
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 332/3303 - Fundamental Microelectronics (3 cr.)


    Devices and Basic Circuits: Introduction to Electronics, Operational Amplifiers, Diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT’s), Field Effect Transistors (FET’s), MOS and bipolar logic families, design parameter analysis, storage elements, interfacing logic families, Operational amplifiers.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

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  • CSCE 337/3304 - Digital Design II (3 cr.)

      ,   .

    VLSI fabrication, Design of complex CMOS gates, Combinational and Sequential logic structures in VLSI; Semiconductor memories and array structures; Introduction of ASIC design techniques and tools; design and programming of FPGAs using CAD tools; timing in sequential circuits; essential hazards; races in sequential circuits; Digital systems design; Datapath and Control design; Modeling and simulation; Fault models and testing.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

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  • CSCE 333/3311 - Data and Computer Communications (3 cr.)


    Data transmissions. Transmission media, data encoding, data link control, and multiplexing. Introduction to wide area networks and local area networks technology and systems.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 345/3401 - Operating Systems (3 cr.)


    Operating systems concepts and structure. The Kernel, interrupts, system calls. Process concepts, operations, and implementation. Threads. Concurrency, interprocess communication and synchronization. Process scheduling. Resources and deadlocks. Memory management: swapping, paging, segmentation, virtual memory. File system interface, protection. Case studies: Windows, Linux, and MINIX.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 342/3421 - Computer Systems (3 cr.)


    This course exposes attendees in breadth to the most viable systems relating to Information Technology, and their associated administration. This includes networking fundamentals and related management, operating systems, computer organization and architecture, hardware, firmware, and enterprise applications.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.
    This course is not available for either Computer Science or Computer Engineering students.

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  • CSCE 346/3422 - Introduction to Information Security (3 cr.)


    This course introduces foundations of information security. It addresses cyber-security issues and common threats, basics of network security, general security principles and practices, basics of cryptology and cryptanalysis, information security management, and other selected topics.
    Not allowed for Computer Science or Computer Engineering students.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

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  • CSCE 363/3611 - Digital Signal Processing (3 cr.)

      and junior standing.

    Characterizations of signals, ADC and DAC, Fourier series and Fourier transform for discrete and continuous time signals, sampling, Digital spectrum analysis, discrete transforms, digital filters, audio and image processing applications.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

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  • CSCE 341/3701 - Software Engineering (3 cr.)


    Basic concepts of software engineering project management, ethical and social issues as well as the software development life cycle. Techniques for software specification, design, implementation, validation, verification and documentation. State-of-the art tools for computer-aided software engineering (CASE tools) are used to support term projects.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 447/4101 - Compiler Design (3 cr.)


    Principles and practices in the design of compilers. Lexical analysis. Syntax analysis, top-down and bottom-up parsing. Syntax-directed translation and syntax trees. Declarations, types, and symbol management. Run-time environments, storage organization, parameter passing, dynamic storage allocation. Intermediate languages and intermediate code generation. Code generation and optimization.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    Project: students construct a simple compiler that generates unoptimized code.

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  • CSCE 422/4201 - Theory of Computing (3 cr.)

       and Senior standing.

    Finite automata and regular expressions, context-free grammars and push-down automata, nondeterminism. Context-sensitive grammars and the Chomsky hierarchy of grammars. Turing machine and the halting problem. Undecidable problems. Church’s Conjecture and its implications.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 432/4301 - Embedded Systems (3 cr.)


    Embedded processor architecture and programming, I/O and device driver interfaces to embedded processors with networks, video cards and disk drives. Using operating systems primitives for concurrency, timeouts, scheduling, communication and synchronization, Real-time resource management techniques, and application-level embedded system design concepts such as basic signal processing and feedback control.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

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  • CSCE 438L/4302 - Embedded Systems Lab (1 cr.)

     Concurrent with   

    The laboratory will cover experiments in embedded systems illustrating material of course   .

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

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  • CSCE 435/4311 - Wide Area Networks (3 cr.)


    Communication architecture and protocols. Networks, internetworking and transport protocols. Issues of mobile computing, network security, and network applications.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

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  • CSCE 439L/4312 - Wide Area Networks Lab (1 cr.)

    Concurrent with  

    The laboratory will cover experiments in computer networks illustrating material of course   .

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

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  • CSCE 437/4313 - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (3 cr.)


    Introduction to LAN, MAN and WAN. Topologies and transmission media. Protocol Architecture and Logical Link Control. Traditional LANs. High-Speed Ethernet-Like LANs, FDDI. ATM LANs. Wireless LANs. Network performance and management.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

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  • CSCE 436L/4314 - Local Area Networks Lab (1 cr.)

    Concurrent with  

    The laboratory will cover experiments in Local Area Networks to support and illustrate the material of the course   .

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

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  • CSCE 445/4411 - Fundamentals of Distributed Systems (3 cr.)


    Introduction to distributed systems. Modeling, specifications, consistency, fault tolerance, interprocess communication, network and distributed operating systems, distributed mutual exclusion, distributed deadlock detection, load balancing and process migration.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

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  • CSCE 446/4421 - Computer Security (3 cr.)


    Fundamentals of computer security. Identification and authentication. Access control, different approaches for inclusion of a security kernel. Security in UNIX and Windows. How security is broken and how it is evaluated. Distributed systems security, World Wide Web security, and network security. Practical experience to be gained through an assigned project to evaluate the security of a real operational system.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • CSCE 453/4501 - Database Systems (3 cr.)


    Advanced relational database theory: functional dependencies, multivalued dependencies, join dependencies, inclusion dependencies. System catalog implementation, query optimization techniques, transaction processing, concurrency control, database security, backup and recovery strategies. Advanced data modeling (e.g. object-oriented databases), distributed and client server architectures, and further exposure to social and ethical issues in databases.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • CSCE 456/4502 - Design of Web-based Systems (3 cr.)


    Introduction to the Web as a platform, the Web as an n-tier client-server architecture, basic components of a web-based application, developing static and dynamic web pages. Enhancing Web pages using Scripting languages. Developing Web-based applications. Using Server-extension techniques and tools. Introduction to XML and its associated technologies. Emerging technologies and tools on the web. Wireless Web protocols and techniques.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 401/4503 - Internet-based Information Systems (3 cr.)


    The World Wide Web as a business domain, E-Business and E-Commerce, Network Options and Infrastructure, HTML/XML and WWW Site Design, Emerging technologies, WWW Tools, Internet Issues and Implications (Security issues, social and ethical issues, legal issues), Costs and Resources, Internet Services Providers.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 465/4601 - Artificial Intelligence (3 cr.)


    Problem spaces and application areas in engineering and science. LISP or PROLOG programming. AI architecture, knowledge representation, hierarchical planning. Machine learning and Connectionist models. Parallel and distributed AI. Object-oriented Knowledge representations. Students will use an AI programming language to solve some of the famous AI problems.

    When Offered
    Normally offered in fall.

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  • CSCE 427/4602 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (3 cr.)


    An introduction to basic concepts in the design, analysis, and application for computational neural networks. Mathematical models of biological neurons. Multilayer perceptrons backward error propagation. Hopfield networks and Boltzmann machines. Radial-basis function networks. Kohonen self-organizing feature maps. Adaptive Resonance Theory networks.

    When Offered
    Offered Occasionally.

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  • CSCE 455/4621 - Computer Graphics (3 cr.)

      and    or concurrent.

    Overview of graphic systems and interactive devices. Output primitives and their attributes. Two-dimensional transformations, segments, windowing, and clipping. Introduction to three-dimensional representation and viewing.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • CSCE 441/4701 - Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (3 cr.)


    The structure of complex systems. The evolution and elements of the object model. The nature of objects and classes. Relationships among classes and objects. Object-oriented analysis and design. Putting key object-oriented techniques to work in constructing large-scale software systems. Case studies covered to demonstrate the use of an object-oriented development process in the construction of software systems. Object-oriented metrics. Testing object-oriented software. Performance evaluation. Advanced topics including design patterns and component-based software development.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally

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  • CSCE 448/4702 - Secure Systems Engineering (3 cr.)


    This course introduces the main security problems found in contemporary systems and addresses how such problems are introduced and how we may work towards their eradication. The course enables students to treat security issues as an important and integral part of system design and development. It also provides them with a solid understanding of the basic ideas and techniques used in assessing and addressing security risks.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 495/4910 - Guided Studies in Computer Science and Engineering (1-3 cr.)

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

    Under the guidance of a faculty member, the student carries on a reading, research, or a project on a specific computer-science topic. The student will present his/her results by submitting a report or passing an examination as determined by the supervisor.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 485/4930 - Selected Topics in Computer Science and Engineering (1-3 cr.)

    Permission of instructor.

    Topics chosen according to special interests of faculty and major students. May be repeated for credit more than once if content changes.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 490/4950 - Industrial Training (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite: junior standing.

    Each student is required to spend a minimum of eight weeks in some related computer training in Egypt or abroad. A report followed by discussion is submitted to a departmental committee for evaluation.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    Graded pass or fail

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  • CSCE 491/4980 - Senior Project I (1 cr.)

       or concurrent and Senior standing.

    Participating students select project topic according to their subject of interest and the availability of facilities and advisors. Students carry out necessary preliminary work and submit a progress report. Ethical responsibilities of a computing professional are covered by lectures and seminars and emphasized through the student’s team work.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 492/4981 - Senior Project II (2 cr.)


    Participating students carry on the plan of work they developed in CSCE 4980  . Each participant gives an oral presentation of his/her results. On the approval of the supervisor, each group prepares and presents a complete package. Further ethical issues of the computing profession are covered and emphasized all over the course work.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • CSCE 525/5221 - Algorithms and Complexity Theory (3 cr.)

    Measures of the complexity of algorithms. Amortized complexity. Greedy algorithms. Dynamic programming. NP-Completeness and lower-bound theory. Cook’s Theorem. Techniques for proving problems NP-complete. Complexity of parallel algorithms. Well-parallelizable and hardly-parallelizable problems.

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  • CSCE 529/5222 - Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms (3 cr.)

    PRAM model and work-time presentation framework. Basic parallel algorithm design techniques: balanced problem decomposition, printer jumping, divide and conquer, partitioning, pipelining, accelerated cascading, symmetry breaking. Parallel searching and sorting. Parallel pattern matching. Randomized parallel algorithms.

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  • CSCE 530/5231 - Advanced Processor Architecture (3 cr.)


    Advanced topics in modern microprocessor microarchitecture especially as they relate to systems and applications software. Modern “core” CPU design: Instruction Level Parallelism, (ILP: Instruction Level Parallelism via software), Dynamic Instruction Level Parallelism by hardware (Dynamic scheduling, Superscaling, Reservation stations, Instruction Reordering buffers, Speculative instruction execution, Out-of-order instruction execution and retirement), Static and Dynamic Branch prediction techniques & VLIW technology. CMP (Chip Multiprocessing), Chip multithreading design and applications. Basics of parallel software design issues and how they interact with the architecture. All topics are illustrated by state of the art Microprocessors.

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  • CSCE 535/5232 - High Speed Networks (3 cr.)

       or equivalent.

    Introduction to the need for Giga-bit networks and the technology support of that demand. Changes required to support this high rate of data, voice, and live video. Over view of IDN, ISDN, and B-ISDN. Fiber Optics Medium. Cell networking. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). Switching and switches. Traffic control in ATM networks. ATM Local Area Networks.

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  • CSCE 545/5241 - Distributed Systems (3 cr.)

    Models of concurrency, specifications of distributed systems, consistent global states, fault tolerance and related problems, interprocess communication, distributed file systems, replication mechanisms, distributed operating systems, real-time distributed systems, transputers, and case studies of distributed systems.

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  • CSCE 532/5242 - Parallel Computer Architecture (3 cr.)


    Analysis and design of high-performance computer systems, pipelining techniques, cache design, instruction level parallelism, parallel and vector architectures, shared memory multiprocessors, message passing multicomputers, data flow architectures, scalability and performance, software for parallelism.

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  • CSCE 565/5261 - Advanced Artificial Intelligence (3 cr.)

    Problem Solving by Search, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Planning, Quantifying Uncertainty, Probabilistic Reasoning, Learning from Examples, Learning Probabilistic Models, and Reinforcement Learning.

    Same as  .

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  • CSCE 527/5262 - Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (3 cr.)

    Basic concepts on artificial neural networks, non-symbolic vs symbolic information learning systems. Unsupervised learning networks, supervised learning networks, neural network hardware. Evolutionary computations, genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, genetic programming. Hybrid systems integrating classical AI techniques with biologically-based techniques, and some applications.

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  • CSCE 561/5263 - Knowledge Engineering (3 cr.)

    Introduction to knowledge based system development life cycle, acquiring knowledge from domain experts, text, and data, machine learning techniques used to automate the knowledge acquisition process, knowledge modeling approaches, design and implementation of knowledge based systems, knowledge based systems verification and validation techniques.

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  • CSCE 569/5264 - Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation (3 cr.)

    Introduction to syntactic and semantic analysis of natural languages with emphasis on English and Arabic. Issues on word sense disambiguation, parsing formalism, and discourse analysis; machine translation techniques: transfer, knowledge based and statistical approaches.

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  • CSCE 564/5265 - Web Mining (3 cr.)

    Introduction to web data mining including web usage mining, structure mining, and content mining. Web mining techniques: data and text classification, data and text clustering, association, and path analysis. Applications of web mining: personalization, summarization, web page ranking, opinion mining, information extraction, topic tracking and others.

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  • CSCE 567/5266 - Computer Vision (3 cr.)

    Approval of Instructor.

    Image formation, image filtering and features detection, SIFT and HOG, segmentation, object detection with sliding windows, bag of words, OpenCV library, camera 3D to 2D projection, stereo vision, shape from X, object registration, model matching, and virtual reality.

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  • CSCE 563/5267 - Digital Image Processing (3 cr.)

    Image acquisition, color representation, quantization, image transforms, enhancement, filtering, multi-spectral processing, image restoration, image segmentation, morphological transform, compression, and applications.

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  • CSCE 555/5268 - Computer Graphics and Animation (3 cr.)

    Fundamental concepts and basic techniques of computer graphics. Algorithms and recent research in graphics and animation. A thorough survey of object modeling, realism, ray tracing, rendering, and light models. Modeling of animated objects, motion animation, and human animation.

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  • CSCE 541/5271 - Advanced Software Engineering (3 cr.)

    Formal methods in software engineering, first-order logic, basic specification elements and rigorous proofs. Verification and validation. Testing and debugging techniques and tools. Reusability, modularity, top-down and bottom-up development approaches, object classification, support for concurrency and polymorphism.

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  • CSCE 543/5272 - Advanced Software Quality (3 cr.)

    Introduction to advanced topics in software quality such as aspects of quality in various development life cycles, software measurement, software quality metrics, testing, quality models, high maturity, better practices in the domain to produce high quality and reliable software, as well as case studies.

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  • CSCE 585/5930 - Selected Topics in Computer Science (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

    Topics chosen according to special interests of faculty and students.

    May be repeated for credit more than once if content changes.

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  • CSCE 590/5940 - Seminar (1 cr.)

    Seminars of research topics given by invited speakers as well as presentation and discussion of results obtained by graduate students during their research work.

    Must be taken twice for credit. Graded pass or fail.

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  • CSCE 591/5980 - Capstone Project in Computing (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

    Under the guidance of a faculty member, the student carries out a research project on a specific computer science topic. The student will present his/her results by submitting a report or passing an examination as determined by the supervisor.

    This course cannot be taken for credit by thesis-option M.Sc. students.

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  • CSCE 642/6231 - Mobile and Pervasive Computing (3 cr.)

    Approval of Instructor.

    Fundamentals, challenges, and state of the art research discussions in mobile and pervasive computing. To include topics related to the domain such as location management, data dissemination, context awareness, software engineering, middleware, security and privacy, sensing and actuation, applications, and research paper critique.

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  • CSCE 664/6261 - Advanced Data Mining (3 cr.)

    Consent of instructor.

    Theoretical aspects of data mining techniques including classification, association, predication, and cluster analysis. Related fields from which data mining draws, like database technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, will be emphasized. Data mining applications will also be introduced based on the interest of the students.

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  • CSCE 692/6930 - Advanced Selected Topics in Computer Science (3 cr.)

    Topics chosen according to special interests of faculty and students. May be repeated for credit more than once if content changes.

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  • CSCE 699/6980 - Research Guidance Dissertation (3 cr.)

    Consultation on problems related to student thesis. To be taken 11 times for credit.

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  • DSGN 213/2113 - Introduction to Visual Cultures (3 cr.)

    Introduces students to the study of visual cultures in such arenas as film and video, photography, painting and sculpture, the built environment, advertising and fashion, and social media/internet. Students will learn how to analyze visual materials across media, interpret meanings, and gain experience in applying critical concepts to these understandings.

    Same as , .

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  • DSGN 215/2115 - History of Graphic Design (3 cr.)


    This course introduces students to the conceptual and critical aspects of graphic design through the discourse of history and theory of visual communication. It addresses how international graphic design went hand in hand with social, political and technological developments around it. It is a chronological survey of graphic design through slide lectures and research.

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  • DSGN 200/2200 - Analogue and Digital Practices (3 cr.)

    This course introduces students to the basic skills in various traditional and contemporary mediums: screen printing, digital photography, digital imaging, video and sound editing. The aim is to offer hands-on basic skills in analogue and digital practices including film, visual arts and graphic design.


    Same as , .
    *Registration in this course is contingent upon consent of the director of the program

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  • DSGN 201/2201 - Design I (3 cr.)


    Based on a series of experimental visual exercises, this course investigates basic design principles like concepts development and its application in different mediums. Students will explore the fundamentals of graphic form, communicating visually, and integration of type through drawing, collage, and other experimental media.

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  • DSGN 202/2202 - Design II: Logo and Corporate Identity (3 cr.)


    The development of an identity of brand through its logo and corporate identity is the aim of this course. It teaches students to think strategically about a company’s image and mission. In this studio course students will work with real client briefs and experimental ideas.

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  • DSGN 210/2210 - Typography I (3 cr.)


    This course is an introduction to and experimentation with different aspects of Latin and Arabic typography. It addresses letterforms and their legibility, visual organization, classification and text applications. Projects will explore the fundamentals of Latin and Arabic typography in terms of history, theory and practice.

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  • DSGN 240/2240 - Color (3 cr.)

    A series of experiences devoted to the development of the perception of color and its use as a tool for the graphic designer. The physics of color, colored light, colored pigments and the color wheel. The study of Johannes Litten’s color theory and Labert Munsell’s color solid, the psychology of color and application of its relations to different design fields. There will be an emphasis on using gouache paint and matching paint colors with digital color and printing as well as exploring digital color on the computer.

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  • DSGN 245/2245 - Illustration (3 cr.)

    Students explore the different media of illustration for different end products in this studio course.

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  • DSGN 250/2250 - Digital Practice I (3 cr.)


    Introduction to the basic operation of computers for designers and developing their skills on desktop programs like Illustrator and Photoshop.

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  • DSGN 315/3115 - History of Graphic Design in the Arab world (3 cr.)


    Exploring a relatively new field in the region, this course will explore the history of graphic design in the Arab world by looking at the rise of different newspapers, magazines and packaging design from the turn of the century until today.

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