Jan 21, 2025  
2013-2014 Academic Catalog 
2013-2014 Academic Catalog [Published Catalog]



 For the current year, when searching for courses by code, enter the first digit of the course number followed by an asterisk, for example 3* 


  • LAW 586/5286 - Independent Study

    Consent of the instructor and approval of the Degree Program Director.

    Guided individual reading and/or research on a subject of mutual interest to the student and the faculty member.


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  • LAW 599/5299 - Research Guidance/Thesis (no cr., graded)


    To register for the thesis, students normally are expected to have finished all or almost all coursework. Students are expected to be in residence during thesis supervision. Residency requirement can be waived by permission of the thesis supervisor in accordance with Department’s policies.


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  • LING 252/2200 - Introduction to Linguistics (3 cr.)

    Major aspects and procedures of the systematic study of human language in its biological and social contexts. Principles and techniques of linguistic analysis as they relate to cognition, symbolization and other aspects of culture.

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  • LING 200/2201 - Languages of the World (3 cr.)

    This course aims to acquaint students with basic knowledge of the world’s natural languages. We will look at the diversity and fundamental similarities among the languages of the world and, in doing so, explore the following topics: language families and historic relationships, linguistic typology and language universals, language policy and politics, writing systems, and language obsolescence.

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  • LING 268/2210 - Principles and Practice of Teaching English (3 cr.)


    This course introduces the latest theories, principles and techniques of teaching English.  It is a community based learning course and gives students practice by peer teaching, observing others teach and actual teaching in the community in order to learn to reflect and evaluate critically.

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  • LING 299/2299 - Selected Topic for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)


    Course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major..

    May be taken more than once if content changes

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  • LING 352/3075 - Language in Culture (3 cr.)

    The role played by language in humankind’s symbolic relation to the world. Emphasis on linguistic analysis, ethnosemantics, sociolinguistics, expressive speech, and language and socialization as these elucidate patterns of cognitive orientation.

    Same as  .

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  • LING 322/3220 - Introduction to Phonetics (3 cr.)

    Study of the articulatory and acoustic properties of speech sounds and features of language with particular reference to English and Arabic. Includes introductory work in transcription and technological developments in phonetic research.

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  • LING 400/4099 - Selected Topics in Linguistics (3 cr.)

    9 hours of humanities and/or social sciences, and junior or senior standing.

    This is a special topics course in which topics will be chosen according to specific interests of the students and areas of specialization of faculty. Topics could include, but would not be limited to, sociolinguistic, language in the media, language and politics, and advanced ESOL methodology.

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  • LING 422/4212 - Language and Human Development (3 cr.)

    Linguistic and psychological concepts in first- and second-language learning; human perceptual and productive language processes; biological foundations of language, bilingualism and multilingualism; and inferences from animal communication.

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  • MACT 100/1111 - Algebra and Trigonometry (3 cr.)

    Prerequisites: Thanawyia ‘Amma Arts or equivalent.

    .Linear and quadratic equations, graphs, the circle, the rectangular hyperbola. Exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions. Systems of equations. Complex numbers. Roots of equations, zeros of polynomials. Binomial theorem, arithmetic and geometric series.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring
    No credit for Thannawia Amma Math/Science students, or equivalent, or students majoring in any of the departments of the School of Sciences and Engineering

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  • MACT 101/1112 - Basic Mathematics for Social Sciences (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite: Thanawyia ‘Amma Science or .  .

    Fundamentals of algebra. Equations and inequalities. Matrices. Introduction to differential and integral calculus.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    No credit for science majors

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  • MACT 131/1121 - Calculus I (0/3)

    Prerequisite: Thanawiya, ‘Amma Science or equivalent.

    Limits of one-variable functions, continuity and differentiability. Extrema and Curve sketching. Related rates. Linear approximation. Differentiation of Trigonometric functions. Applications of the derivative

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    This course is 0 credit hours for all engineering majors, computer science and physics majors. Otherwise it is 3 credit hours.

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  • MACT 132/1122 - Calculus II (3 cr.)

       or exemption.

    Definite and indefinite integrals. The fundamental theorem of calculus and applications of the definite integral. Area, arc length, volumes and surfaces of revolution. Differentiation and integration of Exponential, Logarithmic, Trigonometric and other Transcendental functions. Techniques of integration. Numerical integration. Improper integrals

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MACT 112/1221 - Statistical Reasoning (3 cr.)

    Descriptive and inferential statistics, including graphing data and correlation analysis. Random variables and their probability distributions. The distribution of the sample means, the central limit theorem. Point and interval estimation and hypotheses testing. Students are instructed on the use of a statistics computer package at the beginning of the term and use it for assignments.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    Students can not take both MACT 1221 and  for credit. 

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  • MACT 199/1930 - Selected Topic for Core Curriculum (3 cr.)

    A course addressing broad intellectual concerns and accessible to all students, irrespective of major.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MACT 231/2123 - Calculus III (3 cr.)


    Sequences and series (including power series). Vectors and planes. Surfaces. Partial differentiation. Introduction to double integrals (including double integrals in polar coordinates).

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MACT 232/2124 - Calculus IV (3 cr.)


    Multiple integrals. Parametric equations. Cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Vector-valued functions, vector calculus: Green’s Theorem, Gauss Theorem and Stokes’ Theorem and their applications. Complex numbers.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MACT 200/2131 - Discrete Mathematics (3 cr.)

       or equivalent.

    Sets, sequences, integers. Basic propositional and predicate logic. Methods of proof (including mathematical induction). Combinatorics, functions, relations and digraphs. Matrices and boolean matrices. Graphs and trees.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MACT 240/2132 - Linear Algebra (3 cr.)


    Solutions of systems of linear equations. Matrices and determinants. The space Rn, vector spaces and subspaces. Linear independence, basis and dimension. Inner product and orthonormal bases. Linear transformations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Diagonalization. Various applications.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MACT 233/2141 - Differential Equations (3 cr.)


    First-order differential equations and applications. Higher-order differential equations. Applications of second-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Systems of linear differential equations. Series solutions. Laplace transform.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MACT 210/2222 - Statistics for Business (3 cr.)

    The course aims at acquainting the students with the basic statistical methods in a business context. The course demonstrates the relevance of the statistical methods in making decisions in the different areas of business: accounting, finance, human resource management, marketing, operations, management of information systems, and more. The course covers the following: descriptive statistics, random variables and continuous probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation and confidence intervals, one-sample hypothesis testing, inferences from two samples, Chi-Square tests, analysis of variance and simple linear regression.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.
    Students can not take both MACT 1221  and MACT 2222 for credit.

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  • MACT 362/3133 - Formal and Mathematical Logic (3 cr.)

       or   or consent of the instructor.

    Introduction to the goals and methods of mathematical logic. Propositional and predicate calculus (first order logic) are presented in detail. Goedel’s completeness and incompleteness theorems, and some of the philosophico-mathematical problems in set theory, and alternative logics are discussed.

    Same as  .
    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • MACT 305/3142 - Introduction to PDE and Boundary-Value Problems (3 cr.)


    Special functions. Partial differential equations. Fourier series and integrals. Diffusion, potential and wave equations in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Numerical methods.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • MACT 304/3143 - Numerical Methods (3 cr.)

        and   . Any of them can be taken concurrently.

    Number systems and errors. Solution of nonlinear equations. Interpolation. Systems of linear equations. Approximation. Differentiation and integration. Solution of ordinary differential equations.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 308/3144 - Linear Programming (3 cr.)


    Formulation of linear programming problems, graphical solutions, the simplex method. The revised simplex method, dual problems and sensitivity analysis. Transportation and assignment problems.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • MACT 310/3145 - Operations Research (3 cr.)


    Network flows, minimal- cost network flows, maximal-flow problems. Critical-path methods and PERT. Non linear programming. Deterministic and probabilistic inventory theory. Deterministic and probabilistic dynamic programming.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • MACT 306/3211 - Applied Probability (3 cr.)

       or concurrently.

    Sample space, probability axioms, combinatorial techniques, conditional probability, independence and Bayes’ theorem. Random variables. Distribution functions, moments and generating functions. Some probability distributions. Joint distribution, the Chebychev inequality and the law of large numbers. The central limit theorem and sampling distributions. Applications of probability in the social, biological, and engineering sciences.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 307/3223 - Statistical Inference (3 cr.)


    Sampling distribution. Point and interval estimation, methods of moments and MLE. Hypothesis testing, Uniformly Most Powerful (UMP), generalized likelihood ratio tests and order statistics.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 317/3224 - Probability and Statistics (3 cr.)

       or concurrently.

    A course in probability and statistics designed for computer science and engineering students. Probability is used to construct parametric models that often arise in computer science and engineering problems. Statistics is then used to estimate the parameters of these models based on available data, check the adequacy of the fitted models, and test specific hypotheses. Topics include random variables and their probability distributions including uniform, binomial, geometric, Poisson, normal, and exponential distributions; expected value of functions of random variables; stochastic simulation; sampling distributions; maximum likelihood and least squares methods of estimation; statistical inference including hypothesis testing and interval estimation.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MACT 321/3311 - Mathematics of Investment (3 cr.)

       or concurrently.

    The most commonly used mathematical functions for computing interest and discount rates are discussed. This includes simple, compound, and other forms of interest used in financial valuations, accumulated value and present value, annuities, sinking funds, amortization of debt, and determination of yield rates on securities. The theory developed in the first part of the course is then applied to the valuation of bonds, mortgages, capital budgeting, depreciation methods, and other financial instruments. Zero-coupon bond, term structure of interest rates, coupon bonds, modified and Macaulay durations, convexity.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 301/3940 - Seminar in Mathematics (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite: junior standing

    Weekly one hour seminar in different areas of Mathematics to be given by faculty or invited speakers from industries and other scientific communities.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • MACT 401/4125 - Complex-Function Theory (3 cr.)


    The complex plane, analytic functions. Cauchy-Riemann equations. Elementary functions, complex integration. Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy integral formula. Taylor and Laurent series. The calculus of residues.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 431/4126 - Real Analysis I (3 cr.)

      ,   or consent of instructor.

    Heine-Borel and Bolzano-Weierstrass theorems. Sequences and series. Continuity. Differentiability.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 432/4127 - Real Analysis II (3 cr.)


    Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Sequences and series of functions. Lebesgue integral. Hausdorff measure and dimension. Linear spaces and functions.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • MACT 403/4134 - Modern Algebra (3 cr.)

      ,  , or consent of instructor.

    Sets, integers, groups. Integral domains. Fields. Rings and ideals. Homomorphisms. Quotient groups and quotient rings.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 440/4135 - Graph Theory (3 cr.)

      , and either   ,  or consent of instructor.

    Set-theoretic definition of a graph. Bipartite graph, directed acyclic graph, and tournament. Matchings, Hall’s Theorem and Berge’s Theorem, as well as the algorithms of Prim, Dijkstra, Kruskal, and Ford-Fulkerson. Trees, connectivity and Menger’s Theorem. Planarity and chromatic number. Choice of topics among: graphical probability models, dynamic programming, Bayesian Belief Propagation, and treewidth.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • MACT 406/4212 - Stochastic Processes (3 cr.)


    Introduction to stochastic process, discrete time Markov chains (DTMC). The Exponential distribution and Poisson process, continuous-time Markov chains (CTMC). Transient and limiting behavior for both DTMC and CTMC. Single and multi channels Markovian queueing models, network of queues. Applications in actuarial science, computer science and engineering.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 412/4213 - Mathematical Modeling (3 cr.)


    Introduction to the mathematical modeling. Deterministic models in discrete and continuous times using difference and differential equations. Probabilistic models in discrete and continuous times using discrete and continuous times Markov chains. Applications in actuarial science, biology, computer science, economics, engineering and environmental science.


    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 427/4231 - Applied Regression Methods (3 cr.)

       and either .    or  

    Review of matrix algebra notation and vocabulary. Standard least squares method and application to problems arising from social, biological and engineering sciences. Deviation from assumption of multicollinearity. Variable selection methods. Analysis of variance, logistic regression models. Course includes an applied project (a thorough analysis of real-life data using computer packaged programs).

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 428/4232 - Analysis of Time Series Data (3 cr.)


    This course is a continuation of   . It deals with the problems of modelling and forecasting time series data. Computer program packages are used as an aid for obtaining solutions. Topics include serial correlation, seasonal adjustments, exponential smoothing and extrapolation, state space models, moving average, autoregressive, ARMA and ARIMA models, and nonlinear time series, including ARCH models and chaos. Emphasis on model building, diagnostic checking, and model selection.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 429/4233 - Applied Multivariate Analysis (3 cr.)

       and either   ,  or  

    Techniques of multivariate statistical analysis illustrated by examples from various fields. Topics include: Multivariate normal distribution. Sample geometry and multivariate distances. Inference about a mean vector. Comparison of several multivariate means, variances, and covariances. Detection of multivariate outliers. Principle components. Factor analysis. Canonical correlation. Discriminant analysis. Course includes an applied project (a thorough analysis of real-life data sets using computer-packaged programs).

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 421/4312 - Mathematics of Derivatives Pricing I (3 cr.)


    Introduction to financial concepts: Forwards and futures, options, put-call parity, arbitrage and no-arbitrage strategies, pricing forwards with dividends and without dividends, description of commodity and interest rate swaps.
    Mathematical techniques for pricing: put-call parity with and without dividends, put-call parity for coupon bonds, relationships between European and American options, properties of options (monotonicity, rate of increments, convexity), one-period and multi-period binomial trees for stock price and forward price, pricing options using a binomial tree, delta hedging, risk-neutral pricing, pricing and hedging American options.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 422/4313 - Mathematics of Derivatives Pricing II (3 cr.)


    Continuous time model, options, options on futures, Black-Scholes formulas,  Black’s formula, greeks and their calculation, implied volatility, mathematics of delta hedging and delta-gamma hedging, exotic options, normal and lognormal distributions, Brownian motion, geometric Brownian, stock price process under the physical and risk-neutral probability measures,  stochastic differential equations, Black-Sholes equation, Ito’s lemma,  risk-neutral pricing in continuous time, continuous and discrete time interest rate models.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 423/4321 - Life Contingencies I (3 cr.)


    Mortality laws, future lifetimes, force of mortality, life table, fractional age assumptions, continuous and discrete life insurances, continuous and discrete  life annuities, net single premium, annual benefit premium, loss at issue, premium principles.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 424/4322 - Life Contingencies II (3 cr.)


    Benefit reserve, representations of benefit reserve, recursive relationship, multiple life, joint life status, multiple life insurances and annuities, multiple decrement models, multiple decrement benefit, expense augmented models.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 407/4331 - Insurance Loss Models I (3cr.)


    Risk Theory: Loss/claim severity models, creating a new model by transformation inflation, insurance coverage modifications, policy limit, loss elimination ratio, deductibles, inflation, coinsurance, loss/claim frequency models, Poisson, geometric, negative binomial, (a,b,0) and (a,b,1) classes, aggregate loss models, compound distribution, recursive formula, impact of individual claim modifications.
    Credibility Theory: mixture models and Bayesian estimation, discrete and continuous mixtures, prior distribution, marginal distribution, posterior distribution, predictive distribution, Bayesian premium, Buhlmann model, credibility premium, credibility factor.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 408/4332 - Insurance Loss Models II (3 cr.)


    Non-parametric estimation for complete data: empirical estimates, Nelson-Aalen estimates; Non-parametric estimation for left truncated and right censored data Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimates, Nelson-Aalen estimates, evaluation of estimators, confidence intervals for survival and cumulative hazard functions; Kernel density models; Parametric estimation: method of moments, percentile matching, maximum likelihood estimation, applications to loss data with deductible and limit; goodness-of-fit tests; Proportional hazards model: baseline hazard rate, individual hazard rate, partial likelihood function.

    When Offered
    Offered once a year.

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  • MACT 410/4910 - Guided Studies in Mathematics (1-3 cr.)

    Prerequisite: senior standing and consent of supervisor.

    Under guidance of a faculty member and with approval of the Chairman, the student carries on reading or research on a specific mathematics topic. Student should demonstrate achievements by presenting results, submitting a report, or passing an examination as determined by the supervisor..

    May be repeated for credit if content changes

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  • MACT 409/4930 - Selected Topics in Mathematics (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

    Topics chosen according to interests of students and faculty.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.
    May be repeated for credit if content changes.

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  • MACT 411/4931 - Selected Topics in Actuarial Science (3 cr.)

    Senior standing and consent of supervisor.

    Under guidance of a faculty member and with approval of the Chairman, the student carries on reading or research on a specific actuarial science topic. Student should demonstrate achievements by presenting results, submitting a report, or passing an examination as determined by the supervisor.

    When Offered
    May be repeated for credit if content changes.

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  • MACT 497/4950 - Practical Internship (3 cr.)

    Permission of the Department Chair or the Director of Actuarial Science Program. Students seeking to take this course must meet with their academic advisor. Approval is based on their GPA in their previous two semesters and individual evaluation.

    A minimum of four weeks of training in industrial, commercial, educational or government establishments in Egypt or abroad. A detailed report of this practical experience is presented both in written form and orally, and is evaluated according to department rubrics.

    When Offered
    Offered in summer.

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  • MACT 495/4980 - Senior Thesis (3 cr.)

    Senior standing.

    Methods used in obtaining and reporting research. Each student selects a topic in his/her field of interest. Under the supervision of a faculty member, he/she prepares an outline, assembles a bibliography, and makes a study plan to be followed in preparing the project. After completing the project, the student makes an oral presentation of his/her chosen topic. The written thesis is completed after criticism and suggestions.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

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  • MACT 604/6111 - Advanced Numerical Methods (3 cr.)

    Consent of instructor.

    Numerical optimization: nonlinear unconstrained optimization, direct methods, simplex method, genetic algorithms, gradient methods, Quasi-Newton methods, constrained optimization, interior point methods, the ellipsoidal technique, trust region and optimization through surrogate models, design centering and tolerance. Solution of partial differential equations: advances in the finite element technique, finite volume, spectral methods, fuzzy approach.

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  • MACT 605/6121 - Advanced Probability with Engineering Applications (3 cr.)

    A course in probability and consent of instructor.

    Introduction to concepts of stochastic processes, Markov processes in discrete or continuous time; renewal processes; martingales; Brownian motion and diffusion theory; random walks, inventory models, population growth, queuing models, illustrated by examples from sciences and engineering, biological models, traffic flow and applications from other areas depending on the interest of the class.

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  • MENG 215/2505 - Mechanical Engineering Drawing (1 cr.)


    Computer-aided drafting. Mechanical details and assembly drawings. Working drawings. Geometrical tolerances. Welding symbols and details, introduction to 3D modeling. Introduction to civil and architectural drawings.

    One three hour lab period
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 327/3207 - Engineering Materials (3 cr.)


    Introduction to materials. Crystal structure of solids. Construction and use of phase diagrams in materials systems. Relationship of crystal structure to properties of metallic materials and their applications. Heat treatment of steels. Types of polymers, ceramics, glasses, and semiconducting materials and their applications.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 339/3209 - Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes (3 cr.)


    Processing by casting, powder metallurgy, metal working, material removal, welding and joining. Processing of plastics and ceramics. Finishing processes. Materials recycling.

    Two class periods and one three-hour lab period.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 342/3402 - Quality and Process Control (3 cr.)


    Fundamentals of statistical quality control; control charts for variables and attributes; process capability analysis; sampling plans and techniques; introduction to design of experiments.

    .Two class periods and one three hour lab period.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 341/3441 - Engineering Operations Research (3 cr.)


    Introduction to operations research, Linear Programming (LP) models; LP Solution approaches; integer programming; post optimality analysis; transportation, transshipment, and assignment problems. Maximal flow, shortest route, minimum spanning tree, and travelling salesman problems. Case studies, model formulations and applications using software.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 344/3444 - Work Analysis and Design (3 cr.)


    Methods used in determining the most effective utilization of effort in human activity systems; work methods, analysis and design; micro motion analysis; predetermined time systems; human and rating factors; work samplings; learning curves; physiological and psychological factors; computer-aided time study.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

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  • MENG 346/3446 - Engineering and Project Management (3 cr.)


    Concepts of Engineering Management, Organizing, Motivation and Leadership, Incentive Plans, Performance evaluation, Project selection and initiation, Engineering Project Planning, Project scheduling, monitoring, control, and evaluation, Resources scheduling, Project management software.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

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  • MENG 372/3502 - Mechanical Systems (3 cr.)

      and  .

    Linkage synthesis, position, velocity, and acceleration of mechanisms, cams, gears and gear trains, machine dynamics, rotating and reciprocating machines, dynamic balancing.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 355/3505 - Mechanics of Materials (3 cr.)


    Internal reactions, load-stress relations and transformation of stresses for generally loaded rods. Generalized concepts of stress, strain and material relations. Energy methods. Elastic-plastic behavior of beams. Analysis of thin walled beams. Membrane theory of axisymmetric shells. Stress concentrations.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 356/3506 - Mechanical Design I (3 cr.)


    Introduction to design concepts. Constructional details as affected by manufacturing, assembly, and strength considerations. Engineering materials. Design for steady and cyclic loading, and for rigidity and stability. Rigid and elastic connections. Bolts, rivets and welds. Design of shafts and springs. Use of interactive computer programs for problem solving is illustrated and encouraged. Design projects.

    .Two class periods and one three-hour design and analysis session
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 361/3601 - Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (3 cr.)

      ,   and   .

    Fundamental Concepts and Definitions. Thermodynamic Processes, pure substances and perfect gases, The First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the Carnot cycle. Thermodynamic Relations, Reversibility and Entropy.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 362/3602 - Applied Fluid Mechanics (3 cr.)


    Dimensional analysis, fluid measurements, compressible flow, pipe network and water hammer, turbo machinery, pumps and turbines.

    Two class periods and one three-hour lab period
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 365/3605 - Applied Thermodynamics (3 cr.)


    Availability and second-law analysis. Power cycles: air standard and actual cycles; reversed cycles: refrigerators and heat pumps, gas mixtures, psychrometry and air conditioning, hydrocarbon reactions, waste heat recovery.

    Two class periods and one three-hour lab period.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 375/3705 - System Dynamics (3 cr.)

      ,   and   .

    Mathematical modeling of mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical systems. Free and forced vibrations for single degree of freedom systems. Free and forced vibrations of multiple degree of freedom systems. State space and transfer function solutions. System analogies. Introduction to automatic control, Feedback Control, Time response analysis, Stability and Steady state error.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 428/4208 - Selection of Materials and Processes for Design (3 cr.)


    Effect of material properties on design. Effect of manufacturing processes on design. Failure and reliability of components in service. Economics of materials and manufacturing processes. Decision making and the selection process. Integration of design and economic analysis with materials and process selection. Case studies.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

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  • MENG 421/4221 - Ceramics and Composites (3 cr.)


    Structure, processing (powder synthesis, characterization, mixing and size reduction), micro-structure and property relationships and their applications in the design and production of ceramic nanomaterials and nanocomposites for various applications.

    Two class periods and one three hour lab period.
    When Offered
    offered in spring.

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  • MENG 425/4225 - Polymers and Composites (3 cr.)


    Polymeric materials, processing and design considerations. Structure, mechanical and physical properties of polymers. Degradation of polymers. Types and properties of polymer-matrix composite materials. Manufacturing of components made of polymers and composite materials. Case studies.

    Two class periods and one three-hour laboratory
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

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  • MENG 426/4226 - Metals, Alloys and Composites (3 cr.)


    Structure-property relationship in alloy systems. Imperfections in solids. Diffusion and phase transformation. Heat treatment of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. Structure, properties and processing of metal matrix composites (MMCs). Behavior of metallic alloys and composite materials in service. Case studies and laboratory experiments.

    Two class periods and one three-hour lab period
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

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  • MENG 427/4227 - Failure of Mechanical Components (3 cr.)


    Mechanical failures, fracture mechanics, types of corrosion. Failure modes: fracture fatigue, creep, corrosion and wear. Diagnosis and prevention of failures. Case studies.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

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  • MENG 429/4229 - Nanostructured Materials (3 cr.)


    Introduction to Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials e.g. carbon nanotubes and nanoclays. Nanostructured materials. Transition from microstructure to nanostructure. Grain refinement techniques. Paradox of strength and ductility. Multi-modal microstructures. Fabrication techniques. Overview of mechanical, thermal and structural characterization techniques. Applications.

    Same as  .
    When Offered
    Offered spring.

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  • MENG 432/4232 - Materials, Processing, and Design (3 cr.)


    Processing for grain refinement of engineering materials; Solidification, cooling rates and heat treatment for casting and molding; shape forming; powder, fiber, and composite processing; Joining processes; laser processes; deposition technology for coatings for various applications.


    Two class periods and one three- hour laboratory
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

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  • MENG 439/4239 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes (3 cr.)

      and   .

    Nontraditional manufacturing processes, such as microfabrication and nanofabrication technologies, friction stir welding and processing, laser welding and cutting, spark erosion and water jet machining. Automation of manufacturing processes. Numerically-controlled machine tools. NC programming. Economics of nontraditional and automated manufacturing.

    Two class periods and one three-hour lab period.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 441/4441 - Decision Support in Engineering Systems (3 cr.)

      and   .

    Interactive computer-based engineering decision support systems (DSS), Design and development, informational data base, mathematical models including nonlinear, goal and dynamic programming problems, queuing and decision analysis, heuristics and user interface.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 442/4442 - Quality and Reliability Engineering (3 cr.)


    Quality in design, tolerances, national and international standards, selection and measurement of process quality parameters, quality costs, establishment of quality assurance labs in service and manufacturing industries, calibration, life testing and failure analysis, basic concepts of systems and component reliability and quality engineering cases and applications.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 443/4443 - Systems Simulation (3 cr.)


    Basic concepts; examples of different production and service systems; pseudo random numbers; queuing models; random variate generation; discrete-event simulation; simulation languages; model validation and analysis of simulation data.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 445/4445 - Production and Inventory Control (3 cr.)


    Basic concepts of production management ; forecasting; break-even analysis, aggregate production planning; inventory management; master scheduling, materials requirement planning; capacity planning; resource allocation and scheduling.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 448/4448 - Facilities Planning (3 cr.)


    Process analysis; operation analysis, job design; facility location; facility layout; materials handling systems; storage and warehousing; office layout; design principles and analytical solution procedures; computerized approaches.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 449/4449 - Maintenance Management Systems (3 cr.)


    Maintenance Systems performance measures, types of equipment, scheduled, preventive, and predictive maintenance, work orders, planning, scheduling and control of maintenance operations, equipment safety and reliability, life cycle costing and replacement, spare parts inventory management and cost of maintenance.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 447/4477 - Manufacturing System Automation (3 cr.)


    Computer assisted manufacturing systems NC, CNC, DNC, robotics, material handling, group technology, flexible manufacturing systems, process planning and control.

    Two class periods and one three-hour lab period
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 457/4507 - Mechanical Design II (3 cr.)


    Design of machine elements used in power transmission: couplings, gears, bearings, roller chain drives, clutches. Design for surface failure prevention. Applications: automotive and machine tool areas, etc. Basics of systems design. Design projects.

    Two class periods and one three-hour design and analysis session.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 451/4551 - Computer-Aided Design and Prototyping (3 cr.)

    Senior standing,   and  

    Introduction to CAD/CAM. CAD software and hardware. Geometric modeling. Types of curves and surfaces. Three-dimensional modeling. Data capturing techniques. Surface fitting techniques. Rapid prototyping techniques. Overview and utilization of typical interactive computer graphics package. Hands-on experience in using CAD software, 3D laser digitizing scanner, rapid prototyping machine, and other peripherals.

    Two class periods and one three-hour lab period.
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 453/4553 - Finite Element Method and Applications in Design (3 cr.)


    Displacement approach for simple elements in structural mechanics. Generalization to three-dimensional elements. Overview of the finite element method (FEM), variational principles, transformation, assembly, boundary conditions, solutions, convergence and stability. Isoparametric elements. Applications to solid mechanics, heat conduction and coupled problems. Pre- and post processing. Integration of FEM in Computer Aided Design.

    Two class-periods and one three-hour lab period.
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 454/4554 - Finite Element Method in Dynamic Analysis and Design (3 cr.)


    Finite element formulation of eigen problems and initial value problems in one- and multi-dimensions; model, harmonic and transient response; applications in mechanical engineering.

    When Offered
    Offered occasionally.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 475/4555 - Applied Vibration Measurements, Analysis and Control (3 cr.)

    Senior standing and  

    Elements of vibration measuring systems, vibrations-severity measurements, frequency analysis of mechanical vibration, measuring systems for frequency analysis, vibration of continuous systems, application of vibration measurements in condition monitoring and diagnostics, fault detection in rotating equipment, vibration control.

    Two class periods and one three-hour laboratory period
    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 458/4558 - Integrated Design (3 cr.)


    The engineering design environment. Design and manufacturing. Design pitfalls and their early identification. Design measures for improving the maintainability, reliability and environmental impact. Implementation of the principle of redundancy. Introduction to design optimization.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 455/4565 - Design of Engineering Systems (3 cr.)


    Elements of system architecture, product versus process-driven design objectives, design of systems, synthesis and analysis in systems design, case studies.

    When Offered
    Offered in occasional.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 466/4606 - Heat Transfer (4 cr.)


    Steady and unsteady, one and multi-dimensional, heat conduction. Finite-difference and Finite-volume methods applied to heat conduction. Heat transfer by natural and forced convection. Heat transfer by radiation. Design of Heat exchangers.

    Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory period
    When Offered
    Offered in fall and spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 411/4661 - Turbo-Machinery (3 cr.)


    Preliminary design procedures for turbo-machines. Ideal and actual performance characteristics for hydraulic pumps and turbines, axial and centrifugal flow compressors and fans, axial and radial flow gas turbines.  Cavitation in hydraulic machinery.  Turbo-chargers. Hydro-power plants and pumped-storage.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 412/4662 - Power Plant Technology (3 cr.)

        or concurrent and   .

    Steam and Gas turbine power plants. Combined-cycle power plants. Co-generation. Principles of nuclear energy and introduction to Nuclear power plants. Environmental impacts of power plants.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 413/4663 - Design of Renewable Energy Systems (3 cr.)

      and   .

    The world energy scene. Environmental impact of energy use. Wind power, PV and Solar Thermal Electricity and Biomass. Hybrid systems.  Renewable energy generation in Power systems. Economics and sustainability.


    Same as   .
    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 415/4665 - Internal Combustion Engines (3 cr.)


    Review of Air standard cycles. Diesel and Petrol combustion overview.  Fuels and chemistry of combustion reactions. Octane and Cetane ratings. Fluid mechanic interactions with flames - burn rates. Overview of exhaust emissions. Turbocharging and supercharging, volumetric efficiency and valve timing.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 416/4666 - Design of Mechanical Systems in Building (3 cr.)

       and  .

    Calculation of building cooling and heating loads, and ventilation requirements. Design of Air conditioning and ventilation systems. Passive cooling and heating. Air conditioning equipment.

    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 417/4667 - Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (3 cr.)

       or concurrent and  

    Refrigeration and Air conditioning cycles and C.O.P.  Vapor compression refrigeration systems. Absorption refrigeration. Cryogenics. Design of Air conditioning systems and components. Heat pumps and heating systems. District cooling.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 476/4756 - Automatic Control Systems (3 cr.)

    Senior standing and   .

    Feedback control system and analysis in time domain. PID controllers: analysis and design. State space controllers. Stability and the concept of Routh-Hurwitz. Root locus analysis and design. Analysis of systems in frequency domains. Bode plots and controller design. Nyquist stability criterion. Introduction to intelligent control. Introduction to digital control systems.

    When Offered
    Offered in spring.

    Check course scheduling information

  • MENG 477/4757 - Robotics: Design, Analysis and Control (3 cr.)



    Robotics and Automation, Robot classification and technical specifications, Robotic safety, homogeneous coordinate transformation, Direct and inverse kinematics, Differential motion, Jacobian: Velocities and static forces, Trajectory planning, Manipulator dynamics: Newton-Euler and Lagrange-Euler dynamic models, robot control.


    When Offered
    Offered in fall.

    Check course scheduling information


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